Page 116 - memories-of-golde-dicks-markham-(1996)-golde-dicks-markham
P. 116
Memories of Golde Dicks Markham (1996) Golde Markham Dicks 101/125
In 1946, Sharon started taking piano lessons twice a week after school. About this
same time, she also began taking tap, ballet, and acrobatic lessons. We drove her all over
north Florida to be in programs. Later she joined the band and played the saxophone. She
then started accordion lessons in Jacksonville. We went on Saturdays—every two weeks for
a while and eventually every week. It was a real problem to find the time to take her to all
those lessons, not to mention finding time to practice and do homework. Sharon performed
in many school programs. After her performances, the applause and shrill whistling was
really something.
We spent practically all our summers at our cabin on the Santa Fe River. Sharon
always took a girlfriend with her. They would go out in the woods and spend the day look
ing for Indian relics such as arrowheads. They came back to the cabin with red bugs all over,
then I found out that taking an aspirin every day would keep the red bugs off the body.
We also spent a lot of our time at the cabin swimming in the springs during the day
and also another dip at bedtime. This cooled us off for a good night’s sleep. We spent every
New Year’s at our cabin. I don’t care how cold it was, Sharon and my friend, Mary Adicks,
went in the spring for a swim every New Year’s Day for years.
Sharon always made top grades and was an honor student. At graduation, she won
nearly eveiy award. She had the highest grade point average in her graduating class and gave
the Valedictorian speech at her graduation. She was very popular with all of her classmates,
and her teachers thought very highly of her. She had many boyfriends and admirers, but I’m
not going to discuss her dating days.
When Sharon went off >to Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida, I lost my little girl,
my helper, my friend, my everything. Then one year she was in such a hurry to' finish college
that she decided to attend summer school at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Well,
first thing she met this new guy and thought he had just dropped out of heaven. They got
married and are still living a happy life.
Well kids, everything has to come to an end somewhere, and I think this is the place
for me to end. Your mother got married soon after this and your family started, so your
memories can start here. I have a lot of wonderful memories beginning here that include you
all, but I don’t need to tell you these memories^-we already share them.
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