Page 85 - compilation-containing-the-charter-and-revised-ordinances-of-the-city-of-lake-city-florida-(1912)-gillen-and-hodges
P. 85

Charter and Revised Ordinances of Lake City Florida (1912) Gillen & Hodges
                              Charter of the City of Lake City
                   But one voter shall be allowed to enter any
               polling place at a time, and no one except the in­
               spectors of the election shall be allowed to speak                   82/257
              to the voter while in the polling place casting his
               vote, and no inspector shall speak to or interfere
              with any voter concerning the manner of his
               voting or any ballot he may vote, otherwise than
               to perform his duties as such inspector, specified

                   Sec. 18. No person shall be permitted under
              any pretext whatever to go within fifteen feet
              of any door or window of the polling room, from
              the opening of the polls until the completion of the
              count of the ballots and certificates of the returns,
              except as herein provided.

                   Sec. 19. The City Council shall cause to be
              printed in large type on cards, instructions for the
              guidance of electors in preparing their ballots.
              They shall furnish to the inspectors twelve, or more
              if necessary, such cards, and it shall be the duty
              of the inspectors to post one of such cards in each
              booth or compartment for the preparation of
              ballots, and not less than three in prominent places
              elsewhere and outside of the polling place, the day
              of election. Said cards shall be printed in large,
              clear type, and shall contain full instructions to
              electors as to what shall be done. First, to obtain
              ballots for voting; second, to prepare the ballot
              for deposit in the ballot box; third, to obtain a new
              ballot in the place of one accidently spoiled.

                   Sec. 20. Any person who wilfully, during or
              before any election, removes, tears down or de­
              faces or destroys any booth or compartment or any
              convenience provided for the purpose of enabling

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