Page 36 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 36

11 19 ~0.5.501'\~ 15 11

                                           3 uuiur-·  ruiur  11\rrrptiutt

                                               \pril  .,j  teen  i  the  date,

                                                 rw  the  hour.  hut  not  too  late,
                                              \\ ltt•n  ..'1·nior.  tour  edate,
                                              . \n·  '' ekon'('d  In  th('  Junior  'Ia  ,

                                              ..  on'<'  happ~  hnt '"  to  pa  .
                                              At  Hall.

                          Th<'  ..  eniors  and  mernlwr  ot  theta ·ult)  ot  th('  'ollel!('  \\('tl'  r  cei\ed  h~  the  Junior
                       'Ia "  in  the  lO\lrt ot Car .... on  Hall.  'I he  romt wa  a  \ eritahle  fair~ land  with  it  decora-
                      tion  ot  hamhc o.  \ ine  and  dog\\ c,od  hlo...,  on   The Collrl!e  orche...,tra  entertained  with

                      'r\eral  election  during  the  ('\l'ning.  ( )n  the  table.  arranl!ed  in  hanquet  "t)le,  the
                      ..'enior  color  .  pink  and  '' hite.  ''ere  heautitull~  carried  out  both  in  flo\\ ers  and  daint)
                      t:n or-...

                                                           \1 I   L.
                                           Ceh·r)                            01 i\ e
                                     'hicken  ... dad                          :andwirhe ·

                                                         ( iu:l\ a  Jell)
                                       ,'tra\\hern   herhct                       Cake
                                              Cc  ffee                    \lints

                                                         Fruit  Punch.

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