Page 39 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 39
11 19 ~OSSOK~ 15 11
&lass ioll
H .ur~ Bennett Homer Howard
ellie 'alkin Blanchard Lm
r lilian 0 Ceril \I oore
\\ ill ie ( ;etzen r d \\ a nl {'\\ ton
Ellen Hammel .tdine P.q.?,e
Irene , tmth on.
II honor to the <ph of former ~car .
But I het ~ ou n ~ hat a~ain..,t a hip load of rheer .
\\ e are the hreezie t hunch ot , ophomore ~ ap
That C\ cr hir'·ed ria ·..., 'mong 'olumhia chap-...
fter mam hump-.. and knock. th· "t!reen" coating of the Fre hman ha: h n
-..craped off. \\'e ha\t' put :l\\a) our collegiate ·waddling clothe and are growing
rapidly into tal\\ art. capable men and ''omen of whom 'olumbi.t 'ollege hall
be proud.
\Ve do not daim that n t'r) day of our live hall he one of un hint'. nor do wr
claim that C\ en ea hall be a calm one; but '' e do ";n '' e ran hail \\'atcr patiently
from our boat ''hen ad in~ the ·torm) --ea. . \Ve posse.... that grim determination
\\'hich ,,·ill enable u to use our ob-..tacle a. strppmg tone" to higher thing. Our
past record..., urg-e u-.. on to tW\ · t1eld of ~·n· ice. '' tth confidence in our ability to
accompli h that \\'hich \ e sball undertake. I:owe\Cr,
\\'e\e learned son' e \\t dom in our qur t.
That i. richly '' orth ret.til ing;
\\'e've learned that when one doe ht-.. be. t.
There i little harm in failing.
~·o we pre-... on\\'ard in the battlefield of sch<x>l. ever looking forward '' ith plea ·u re
o that great clima. "(1raduation Da,," and aften\ard to a life of great service
to our frllmnnen and <f glor) to ourehe-...
\Vema) not reach what \\e pursu".
't et \\'ill we keep pur um g;
. othing i vain that we can do.
For ou]-,, ealth comr..., of doin~.