Page 94 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 94
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In ' i tl' Yo 11 r \ c c t ntn t
State, County and C1ty Depo ' itory
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I' E.'< ll'l'l"E.' < l\ 1:1•
Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting
<lnkr l'r•llll)ltl; !·tiled
\II\\ 4lrk < ;uarantl'ed
l.ah· l'it;. l;l••rida
B Till.' 1\<Hll-
I leaJer.., 111
1..., made J H 1"' i h iL' h t h l' ad \l.T
Ladies' Ready to Wear Clothing t i"'l'~""'· iriend and ,t11dent
Gent ' Furni hing and Shoe