Page 92 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 92

Takt  thl'  :u~ntc  Routl'  to  the   <..  aliforni..l  I  po  Hion   and  th'
                               11  .til)  intt·re,tinl.!  uk  tnp  throu •h  tht•  <;reat  . ·,  rth\\ l''t  and  l'acific
                               (  na  t.
                                    THE  LOUISVILLE  &           ASHVILLE  RAILROAD
                                     < >fft•r   -,on  l   l f)  intl'rt ... u   h.n  ·.~in   in  d  t  1  rt  lit  d  tnp  rat·
                               t1•  thl·  ( 'alifornia  E  po  ttion-..   < >ne  of  the"'e  bar •<un  no\\  efiecti\ e.  ha
                               a  thn·e  month  ·  limit.  'J  he  round  trip  prin·  from  Lake  'ity  ~-.  'i,'.9),
                               "  it h  a  ale  I i 111 it  un t i I  . · m  e Ill her  .10th .  T hi ...  t h t"l'l'  111 on t h ... ·  I i m i t  t i c k t't
                               include..,  ide  trip"  to  :an  ))il'go  and  \arion..,  othl·r  point.,  \\'ithout  ('  tra

                                     EffectiH·  JutH'  l..,t.  \\ith  a  limit  to  < ktoher  Jl  t,   JH'cial  ruund
                               trtp  -.umnH·r  tourht  ticket   \\ill  l1e  on  -.ale  from  Lake  Cit)  for  ::,  i.90,
                               tnduding  top-o\ er  pri\ il  ·~l'"'  at  an)  point  and  the  elwin·  of  many  rutttl'.
                               ruing  and  ditTnent  route-.  n·turning.  Thi-.  )ll'Cial  tra\ e l  harrait  oth:r
                               ft  g-rea t e r  c h o i c l'  of  rout e s  t h a 11  <lit)  o t h e r  I i ne  opera t i 11 g- i 11  t h i  : t a t e.
                               !.ow  ..,llllllliL'r  touri..,t  rate-.  apply  aJ..,o  to  dt·..,tinatinth  other  th.m  the
                               ( 'alifornia  E  po ... ittotb   I i  ) ou  do  not  \\ant  to  I.!< I  to  the  hig  . how   111
                               ( 'aliiornia.  -.elect  a  rotttl  o\'l'r
                                    THE  LOUISVILLE  &  NASHVILLE  RAILROAD
                                     Ttl  -.ol!H  ot  tht  popular  utd   ttr.lltl\t  -.umtJLr  rt.:  ott-.  .dong  the
                               :--cl'nic  l'outL'-.  reaciH·d  h\  thl·  L.   l· •• •.  and  it"  connection  .   Route  .
                               <tllllHCtttJI   n-.L·n.ttion  -,ll  d  tHI  Lt-.  dwtriull\  .trr.ngLd  on  application.
                                       H  C.  BRETNEY,  FLORIDA  PASSE  GER  AGENT,
                                 l.<>l'L \ IILI      \.11\lltl  R\1!1()\J),IJ.f\\  ILt):trcet.
                                              ille,  Florida

                                            I  r         r              f          .th

                                                          l  n             intai

                                     • . () t  so  much  papl'r .  lllk  and  type -hut  Sl·l' \  ICE  a..,  well.
                                     .\  L'areiul  con-.i<kration  of  the  u-.e  to  \\hteh  the  product  is  to  be
                               put.  -.hou ld  go\ ern  the  qualit)  oi  matnial ...  and  \\ orkman. hip.
                                     ( >ur  kno\\ ledge  oi  ) our  nred   and  our  ahilit:y  to  ach·i,e  on  all
                               tttat tt·rs  ol  prtnting  and  dirert-lt) -mail  ;uh l'rti..,ing  i-.  \ nur  a-.. uranc ·  of
                               •etttn~..:  tlw  he-,t  at  an  euuit.thk  prier.
                                              WE  ARE  ESPECIALLY  EQUIPPED
                                              FOR  THE  PRODUCTION  OF  FINE
                                              STATIONERY  AND  HIGH  GRADE
                                              CATALOG  AND  BOOKLET  WORK
                                     . \ II  i 11 q ttt rt L -.  h a \ t·  pt < '111 p t  .111 d  l  .1 r l'l ttl  l' f) t h  1 d l' r .t tt on .
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97