Page 37 - chs-1923
P. 37
1 tor of he ophomor Cl s
hr 'I o 1 22-2 ~. re pro(!rc in(T rapid I) on th • upw, rd
uc e 1\ ·o rar ago, ept mher. 11 21. '' e en ered high hool
Thi i the )Car o th hi:!h hool ttlllcnt' li e in ''hi ·h
need en·r) on ' mp, th). hut, untortuna el}. lll'\Cr rre it. \\ r,
preceding ) ear.. were looked down upon.
A e\\" ould n tand the pre u re I. id upon th"i r houldrr . and, h · 1 re th \eat
had pa ·d. dropped h) the wa ide.
\\ e are glad to h · able to :t) that th · majorit) o th" ophom >n· hclong to the
oth ·r da . which ti k to and fight a thing out. \\ e all hrline in c1 (}p r, tion .. nd
h) thi me:lll. we hall all fini h our work uc ·e ull .
Thi )ear we ha\e done well. Our ria ha produced 1 fir t-ela a hlt'te -
thre · ho and three girl . Thi. numher do· n't rem large, hut \\T ntu t con idn that
th"re were three other da e which were repn· ented in all athletic .
\ \ \· cannot Ol) at pre ent that we h:n e thr h '. t looking da in the dwol. hu ,
one· rid o the junior and enior , we hall h:n e our chance.
The memhcr of our da are Cl)n idered \ ain. mi l hie' ott . and quite larkitw in
appreciation. Thi i hel·atLl' the teacher don't under tand 11 • \\ e are rather unique
.md dl''\ ha\'en't heen ahle to decide wh•·ther we will get down to re<ti hu irw or not.
\\ e 'II how them, though. e t ) ear i coming, and we all hope to lw together again.
ph m re Clas Poe m
The '-,ophie leave the -.olcmn pa-.t, The l're-.hie all art left hd1ind,
.\r.d hne thn urtrr lilt• at Ia t, l·or oph-. 1an't \\ait forth rn to llld
'o then thn -.tep, from tudic-. lrt•e, J"he thing that thr' h:l\ lo t in d,l\ ...
Into the d:n thn've longed to '-tt'. \Vht·n tht'} all \\alh:e,l in llo\\t't\ "·I'
ror Otnt' da~ } Oll \\ill Ullder-.tand
rh Jrnior 110\\ lllllt lon\ard
llcm the' haH' hoped and drtamcd and '0,
planned, ~o oph ie cl.r " "on't m t rflo\\,
That the' -.omc d:n m:n Junior he, \nd tr wr kno\\ t'llf uc:h, the\ think,
. \nd then the jo~" ot lite ma~ ,, .. " rll the' do i iu t to ''ink .
. \nd \\hen the a me old rn heard,
1 h 1t ophie nn er ktlfl\\ a ' onl,
\\'h lt \\otiid tht') offer ju-.t to ht
.\ little ophie, <a~ and free?