Page 14 - chs-1942
P. 14

BI·.TTY  1>.\RBV
                                                                                           Hl'IL 'I  E  DOL'Bl· f  L\
                   \  Ltit• ;''  I'an  \meri-
             n   'luh,  J,   ;  J~p ilon  l'hi;                                          <;lee  Club,  4,  l.tkt:   to  llik  ,
           1 'ational  J lonor  .  o ·iet);  Com-                                        :kate.  I >an  e,  .md  Read:  B ·au-
           tnem ·m •tJt  and  Baccalaureat ·                                              tfttl  Red  Hair  .md  P r  t t
            L'  lwr;  'I  h •spi.ut  ;  i'l'tite,  I >e-                                            Jland  .
                 J>  •tulahk,  Pl•a  ant.

                                                                                            VI\'1  \ •.  l>Ol'BERI.Y
                                                                                         Tntl·re·.ted  in  (_om mercia!
                (.  \ T II R v. T  l) A v ~.~
                                                                                         \ Vo r k :  I le r  l I a 1 r  Fa i r I,;  ( ; lo \  .
           Tcnni  Tt:am:  Ba  kctball,  1,  2,
           1  4 ·  "  ···   luh  4  Pn:  id ·nt ·
           ·l;rot;tim·nt  in  \thietic  ;  \  ery:
                 I• riend ly,  !'lea  ant.

                                                                                             HE'I TY  ULTPRIE. 'I
                                                                                         Cia  s  Sl'l't'l'tar),  1 :  "\Vhat  \
                                                                                         I.iie'':  Band,  3:. 'ational  lion-
                                                                                         or  .  ociet\:  • 'aturalh  lurlv
                  I>OR \  I>\\ I                                                         II air:   \ c-com pl ish e Zl  .'  .un-
           Plav.  atHl  Sin •   \\ ·11.  Her                                             tre-..  :  'hel·rful,  Likes  tn  Read.
            F;l\:oritc  l\lu~i<:-''llill  Billy:"
           H  r  I>ark  Tlair  and  E\ ·hrow
           (;i\c  llcr  a  Ven  l:...·ottc  Look;
                  (;} 'l'   Jt;b,  I,  2.

                                                                                          JL.\"Tr\  EI>L  'FIUJ>
                                                                                         I.ihran   \~~i-.tant,  1:  Clee
                                                                                         C lu h,  -~  :  ·'\\'hat  . \   I. i i e"
                                                                                         L'  her:   'ompetent.  Frank,
                                                                                                  Talkati\ e.
           LORI  'I·  Tll0:\1\'  1>\\I~
           Pan  \mcnc.m,  2,  Ltbr.try  .\s
           si  tant,  1  •   ·cat,  \ffablc,  De

                                                                                            \..  . L 'l . •  E \'I  R I rn:
                                                                                        Colt  :0.1111  \   .'t,d'f.  I  1,1.,<  r  .'t.tff:
                                                                                        • 'ational  llonor  Sorietv:  )  outh
                                                                                        Con f e n·n c c   I >elegate :   Pan
              VI VI\..  ·.  DE.  L  0 ..                                                . \mt ncan  l·luh.  J,  4.  President,
                                                                                        4.  .'erretary,  3:  Ftncient,  In-
           4-ll  Club.  I~~~ 1  Staff,  ''\\hat                                               tellectual,  \miahle.
            \  Ltfc"   'shl·r,  .  ym{Mtlwtic,
              •  \\l'l't,  Patient,  Pen  iH'.

                                                                                              ~L\R'l  C  TIPI.
                                                                                         Ba-.kethall.   1,   2.   "\\   \
                 LOL'I:F  DI  K.                                                         Life'' :  Thesplath :  Fril'lHIIiest
                                                                                         ( ;irl  in  tht  .'t:nior   Ia ·  :  ln-
           4-ll   lub..  I.  2.  Library  \s                                             terc  ted   111   I•  lying:  Like
            istallt,   2;  ''\\hat  \   Life''                                           l Ior-..ehad.  Rtdm ,  and  Badmin-
           L'-.hcr:  .~mall,  Kind,  \\1  tful.
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