Page 13 - chs-1942
P. 13
lub, 3, ; Li-
'ou 1BI
"\\"hat .\
\ 'apptlla
l' h ·r for
Ba calau-
1 • u L , 1' 1 • \ H l •. 1n
l'rctt\ lr.tll ft.r Ft•llll \\ell
horn:· l !.t Pre iduH. 1. -:
lie~ kt.•th.dl. 2. J, 111 \\l'11llrn:
"\\hat \ l.tfe'' l' h·r. (;ood
naturul. \\in onll, Pot lll.
FH. \. K BEDE. TIL\l"Cli
L pani h lub; • • ati nat Honor
l't t): F. I• .. \., _; .\ffahle:
L HI IJ.) C \ :\II'BI· LL
"What \ Lift.'"
Tt.•tmi ... 1\.un: 'I r.tck, 3: ({and,
I, 2. 3: !'an \111 n~.·.m ( luh:
Caml'ra l"luh. J utllor Pot.lrt.lll:
"\\hat \ Lite:'' Frit.'tHllit.·
llo) : \C'tiH'. • kiliul;
'In h.
'h erleadcr, 3, 4; Track. 4;
Ba k tball, 2. J, 4: "C" lub,
4: OLU t BI \. • • taff: Tcnni
'I eam; I~p ilon Phi, Vic -Pr • -
i de11t : \ 'appella Lhoi r : Co-
~lanager tage Prop rti for
''\\"hat .\ Lii :'' ommence- l·.I>I>II:. 'II \.lHEI'.
m •tlt l her: ~lo t At h 1 tic Traf1ic L'qu.ul. J. 4: F. I·. .,
c;irl :, it-\"oiced. Yi,acio1t 4: I' et irl'llt, • in ct. re: \\"in Ill r
of II ou e l 'l.m Cont t.
Traffic . quad. 4; • tag Lm-
ag ·r. I, 2, J, 4: Tiger . tatT: I'( >Y CL \\\ :o. T
•·our Tu\\n;'' oLu tBI\." FootbaJI, J, lub, J. 1:
'taff: amera !ttl?.: ~-nn!or F. F. urer: l"n-
Rotarian: "\\I dt \ Ltte: .. a- \ltlit) ;
tiona! llonor . ''uetv: ~lo t
I >ependable BO\ . Plat{ to h' a
Do tor: The llian . Trea urer.
''\\hat :' • ational
Han r ociety; Quiet. Hazel-
I:.y d : Like to Read.