Page 8 - chs-1942
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                       '\1tti11,  lr(t  tori  lit ·  Hill  Brae!  ha''·  Carl  Tim  Furlo\\,  Tietty  Darhy,  Timmie  Pitman,  :\Iartha  Jane  Hrm,n,
                       Hohert  l.oui   <;reen,  Jane  Lanier.  and  Ann  \lli-..on .... . '1  111  l11r, .  Ilettye  ~pearman,  :\laril:-n  n  \an.
                       \nnl)n  EH•rette.  (;r:~ce  Barfield.  :\lar~ce  ::>ayer,  .\nnie  Cathcnnc.  "eller.  John  Jlenry  \\'illiam-..,  l'athennc
                       River-.,  all(!  Lucille  Romeo.

                       \  a\  hack  in  the  summer  of  '41  the  idea  of  the  Cou..., 'I BI \   ''a.  horn,  and  the  idea
                       . pread  h)  mean  of  the  prmerhial  grape-\ ine.  Regardles.  of  the  pes...,imistic  prophecie
                       of  both  student  and  faculty,  the  'enior  Clas  decided  to  puhli. h  an  annual,  the  f1rst
                       in  a  number  of  year·.
                         The  E  ·eruti\e  Board  of  the  :enior  Clas ....  met  and  launched  the  annual  h)  appoint-
                       ing  \Ianha  Jane  Bnm n  as  editor-in-chid;  Robert  Louis  c-;reen  ''a  ...,elected  as  her
                       stooge,  or  a' i  tant  editor.  The  'er)  important  feature,  finance,  ''a ....  put  in  the  hands
                       of  Jimmie  Pitman.  Crace  Barf1eld,  :\Iaril~ n  Be, an,  Kathq n  RiH'r...,,  Lucille  Romeo,
                       and  Bettv  Darb,  "ere selected  to  go  out  and  do  the  begging-get  the  ads.  'arl  Tim
                       Furl()\\.  with  hi-;  engaging  gift  of  gab,  \\a-;  .... elected  to  manage  the  circulation.  John
                       Henn  \Villiams  "as put  in  charge  of  athletic ....  ;  \Iargie  'a) er,  Annl) n  Everette,  and
                         nnie  Catherine  :eller..;  ''ere  placed  in  charge  of  clubs;  Bett\ e  ~'pearman ''a ....  named
                       ho   of  the  per onalities;  Jayne  Lanier,  Bill  Brad  ha\\,  and  Ann  Alii  on  \\ere  -.houl-
                       d  red  with  the  t) ping  and  secretarial  '' ork.
                         \Ve  ha\e  recorded  ''ithin  the..;e  page-;  the  acti\Itie ..  thoughts,  and  ann-.  of  our  high
                       o.;chool  day  .
                         The  taff  ha.  worked  and  played  together.  ( )nl)  the  splendid  co-operation  of  the
                       facult\.  tudent',  and  tcm n  people  ha..;  made  it  po. sihle  tor  u  to  give  ~ ou  thi..;  annual,
                       THE  'orL,IBI\
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