Page 47 - chs-1949
P. 47
8-A and 8-B. Row I: Deloroes Hus o , Bet y Harrison, Audrey Bryan , Phyllis Dawsey
Mrs. Fu ch, John Colson, How.ard Bul huis, Be ty Bodiford, Wayne Hammons, Bobby
George, ira Herring, Hoy Horne, L her Huggins, Mr. Ken , Eleanor Die ens,
Marjorie Crews, Shirley Bowman, Be ty Clya t, Carlean Bell. Row 2: James Coursey
Beverly Fields, Joan Giebeig, Marilyl" Chambers, arjorie Farnell, Ward Hancoc
George Bos on, L. H. Mathis, George Catledge, Charles Buc les, Ralph Bell, Ch rles
De Pratter, Billy Eatmon, Charles Case, Gerold Brannon, Howard Hurs , Betty Babb
Die ie Biddle, Fran lin Lee, Fitzhugh lee Guy Chambers. Row 3: Evin Clya , S e e
artin, Glenn Gilber , Bob Denmar , Eugene DuPres, Billy Green, Willie An 'erson
Rober y Byrd, Bobby Merri t, Ted Douglas. Row 4: Barbara Du es, Francis Harre',
Eugene Gemmer, Claud King, Veve Douglas, Harold Coa s, C aries Ba er, Ja e
Cravey, Warren MacLare'1, Thomas Ashley, Thomas Coxe, Bullard Crews, Huber
8-C and 8-D Row I:
Row I: Pa r·c·a Anr Phillips. Rosalyn clendor, Marqueri e Paage ,
Joan Grey T emoly, J. C. Sel ers, Billy Ogden, Regna Ray, Bobby Robe,son, Barbara
S eward Free Wal e,., John Wood, J. G. Ballard, Orman ee s, Boy Tong, Billy
Rowan. Bruce orris, Ted Peacoc , Gwendolyn Jones, Laura June ershan, Sol"ya
Sweat. Row 2: Johrny w:lliamson, Bill Fie cher, Marily., Re el. Be y Varnes lve
"Will" amson, Ella Mae Wal er, Burn "s Thomas, Barbara Ann Mooney, Hazel Shaw, Trudie
S ewart. Franc"s Waldron, Ju ni a Shee'y, Bet y Wee s, Vera Ann 0 Hara, Fleta Joy-
ner, Joann Williamson, Clarice Thomas, Delia Larramore, Bobby ash, Janie Raulerso,,
Hele Lit I e. Row 3: Bil Wal er, Drexel Rober s, Harry Todd, Bobby T omp ins, Harry
T uc er Doro hy True, Eliza be h Ann Reed, Joan Wheeler, ora Ann McCols ey
Libby Morgan, Wayne Smi hy, Laran Tyre, Jac ie S ebbins, Irene orris, Mar i.n
Page, Ronn"e orris, Virgil Williams, Gladys Tayler, Bettv Jean McGowan, Dons
Lin ar , Jose hine Smi , Phyllis Randall, ary Ann Pa o . Row 4: Claude elson,
ola 0 Har , Vance Wyn , Eddie Sells, Floy elson, Doris Sapp.