Page 48 - chs-1949
P. 48
7 -A, & 1 ,c. Row I: W yne Douglass L. . Green Rober Greer, Roma Cannon
Bo..1rr Co Johr Cur y) Brady, Mrs. Browning, Alg'e Co i'ls, An., Bradley Pa y Bru e
Cl"ar es Brad.)haw S 'ldra Bloodwor ~ Lin 'a Arno d tv1iss Thompson, Da id Su .,
She by Rober Tad V nli ers ine R ndol+ Feagle Donald Gray, Gene Feag e.
Row 2: La Ver'l Carver, Buddy Ea on, Wayne S e· nberg Bet y June Bo ·e , ary
S~er'daro Corne I ancy Chas een, Caro yn Dix Jearie Oees, Quin D'c Eve yro
Downinq, V'rgie E res Jeane e DuBose Evelyn A'1derson, Deloroes Charle , Pa
Wee s, Bet y Jo Wi t, Wal er Cus~man, 'Johnny Br'm, Edward Davis. Row 3: Herber
T~omas Larry Douglas, Yaroim~ Swee Rachel Wub er, Marril Daugh ry, G enda
Chri tie Cum' Williams, Susie Bell Crawford, Claud . .,e Crews, Poll Arn Cox, Sa y
French, La relle Fowler, Ch rio+ e Thomas, Bill Graham, B'll Ellis, Elihew Ro..1ss Ear
Sm' h Richard Weaver Cur ·s Townsend. Row 4: B'lly Jo Will' ms, Donald Ge'ger
Dav'd Goding, Buody (Slush) Bedenbaug~. Jimmy B•ggs.
7 . D & E . Row I Sue S iles, Joseph'ne Kirb anc H er, Be y
s. Wub er, Gerald Hewi , Alwood Jen zen, Cecile Joyner, Elizabet
li ms, Pa sy S epard, Rachelle Sapp, Pa sy Harris, Julia Johnson, Mrs. Jo nson, S'b e
L ngs on, Jauni a Horn, Alice ae Hamlin, Sherrian Higgs, S irlev Joh son. Row 2:
Jimmy Wal ron, Fr nces W eeler, Barbara Robers, Mildre Wheeler, S irle T re
Ro er Pierce, ar in Re is er, orrison e: on, L. J. Mi el, Laugh on Ho se
Joe Philbec , R dol Mi el, Bobby 0 S een, Ge,.al ine P rnell, Dollie To sie Lee.
Row 3: Johnnie Lee, W. H. Joyce, Warren Roginson, James Huggi s, Larry La
Win on orris, Jac Morris, Die ie un , Barbara i el, Be y Jo Wheeler, Eu ice
illigan, r ha i el, orma orris, Janie Richardson, Alice arie Rho oro
Be y Lee Po ervi , Be y Puroy, om Lee enfroe. Row 4: Pia o Kirb Ho er
Hu cherson, Colin T yre, Sylves er Reeves.