Page 53 - chs-1949
P. 53

Troupe  o.  522  of the  ational Thespian  Socie  y was  char  ered  in  1941  w1   rs.
     Agnes  Chalker  as  sponsor.
          During  the  1948-49  term  the  Troupe  presented  a  Chris  mas  Pageant,  a  one-act
     play,  Andaf"'  e  ',  and  a  three-act  play,  '  Mountain  Jus  ice."
      Row  1-Mary  Be  h  Phillips,  Glenadene  Davis,  Barbara  Davis,  La Von  Colley,  Bet  y
      Blasingame,  Pa  ty  Blasingame,  Sara  Arnold,  Braunda   cBride,  Maymie  Bradshaw,  Ann
      Bar  er,  Bet  y  Jane  Gregory.  Row  2-Byron  Hollingsworth,  Donna  Jean  Johnson,
      Kenne  h Leist,   i a  Martin,  Verdie  Inman  Buie,  Mary Virginia  lves,  James   on  gomery,
     Ann    cBride,  Francis  McNeil,  Joanne  Aus  in,  Edmund  Mi~ on,  Theta  Farnell,  Fran
       cCollough,  Billie  Hammons,  David  Douglas,  Imogene  Touch  on.  Row  3-Sally  Paul.
     Carole  Crabb,  Veronica  Goodbread,   ary  Virginia  Erwin,  Florence  Wee  s,  Carolyn
     Bearden,  Lore  a  Commander,   ary  Brown,  Marianne  Farnell,  Ann  Wilding.  Steps-
       ar  ha  Ei  el,  Jean  Ogden,  LaVelle  Langs  on,  Eddie  Lou  Carrell,  Pat  Goodbread,
     Sarah  Ann  H"ll.  D;xie   oland,  Mrs.  D.  H.  tv~eans,  Mr.  Graves  Ballard,  Ha,.rie  Good-
     bread,  Joyce  Stalvey,  Peggy  Deen,  Shirley  Me'  on,  Jerry  Me +on.

                                         The  Jr.  Drama  icc;  Cluo  was  organized  in  1947,  wi  h  75  ITlember  .  Each  year  he
                                     club  has  presen  ed  C~ .. is  mac;  pia  ·s  for  he  s uden  bod   rd  won  'r   place  ·n  he
                                     s un  centes  a  ·he  H  llowe  en  Carnivals   e  pas  2  vears.  T  e  o  "cer  are:  Presi
                                     dent,  Joanna  Adic  s;  Vice-Presiden  ,  Die  ie  Ho  g  ins;  Secre  ary  Ru   Shingler·
                                     Treasurer,  Jerry   a  hews;  Repor er,  Jo  Ann  Howard·  Sg  .  a  Arms,   a  on  Joye.
                                     Row  !-Joanna  Adic  s,  Carolyn  Blac  ,  Dici  Hodg  i  s,  Lam  r  Elli~.  Sony  Swe
                                     Elizabe  h  Ann  Ree  ,  Hugh  Ranoall,  Charles  Bradshaw,  I  a'1  Perr  .   Row  2-Pa sy
                                    Wee  s,  Linda  Arnold,  Bert  Herlong,  Jo  Ann  Howard,  Ru  h  Shingler,   P  ilip
                                     Browning,  director,   ary  Ann  Pa  o  ,  George  Ca  ledge.  Jerry   ew   J  nie
                                    Richardson,  Pa  sy  Shepard,  Ann  Bradley,  Sybil  Langs  on,  San  r  Bloodwor  h.
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