Page 12 - chs-1951
P. 12

It was  way  back  in  1938  that  we  first  entered  dear  old  Central  Elementary  chool.  We  were
            ~cared  at  this  new  and  different  experience,  but  felt  well  able  to  cope  with  the  ternblc  "three  R's"
            and  with  our  \ery  first  teachers:  Miss  Watkins,  Miss  Glenn,  and  Miss  Bell.  The  fact  that  we
            were  mi  sing  half  of  our  front  teeth  gave  us  a  rather  ferocious  appearance,  but  the  girls  were  al-
            ready  sort  of  cute  with  their  pigtails  and  big  bow  ribbons,  and  the  boys  felt  pretty  sharp  in  their
            short  pants  and  slicked  down  hair.
                As  we  grew  older  and  became  sophisticated  fifth  and  sixth  graders,  we  looked  forward  to  the
            day  when  we  would  go  to  school  in  the  "brick  building."  But  alas,  when  that  day  came  we  found
            that  we  were  only  those  "pesky  little  seventh  graders"  who  scooted  around  the  building  looking  for
            their  classrooms  (and  getting  trampled  on  by  any  upperclassmen whose path we happened to cross).
            We'll  never  forget  the funny feeling  we  had  the  first  time  we  got  lost  in  the  big  halls.  Everyone
            seemed  to  know  where  they  were  going  except  us.
                But  we  felt  pretty  proud  of  being  "big-shots"-attending  pep  meetings,  having  a  football  hero,
            going  to  chapel  every  Friday,  and  belonging  to  scads of clubs.  We worked  hard  in  Thespians,  the
            Honor  ociety,  Girl  couts,  Boy  Scouts,  the  Student  Council,  F.  H.  A.,  F.  F.  A.,  and  Keyettes.
                The  years  whizzed  by  and  brought  a  lot  of  changes.  We  got  taller  and  broader  (too  broad
            sometimes).  The  boys  finally  discovered  that  girls  were  nice  for  more  than  throwing  dead  mice  at.
            One  by  one  the  girls  started  sporting  lipsticks,  high-heels,  and all  the other paraphenalia  that makes
            makes  a  girl  a  girl.  And  the  boys  would  get  up  fifteen  minutes  earlier  in  the  morning  to  scrape  a
            razor  over  a  cheek  that  didn't  need  it.
                Our  Junior  year  brought  a  problem-how  to  earn  money  for  the  Junior- enior  Banquet.  A
            magazine  drive  seemed  the  logical  answer.  No more  loafing  in  the  afternoon-we  canvassed  the
            town  crying  plaintively,  "Please,  lady,  subscribe  to  a  magazine!"  We  began  planning  for  the
            banquet.  The  theme,  April  Showers,  was  carried  through  with  umbrellas,  sprinkling  cans,  and
            elves.  The  menu  listed  Bower  nectar,  rainbow  cobbler,  and  other  delicacies.  A  huge  success  and
            an  occasion  never  to  be  forgotten  by  any  of  us,  our  banquet  was  the  high  spot  of  our  high  chool
                The  time  is  drawing  nearer  to  that  day  when  we'll  no longer be seniors or anything else  in  high
            school.  Despite  a  lot  of  talk  about  how  happy  we'll  be  when  we  no  longer  have  to  study  or  try
            to  please  our  teachers,  when  we  get  down  to  brass  tacks  most of  us  aren't nearly  as  overjoyed  as  we
            like  to  appear  at  the  thought  of  leaving  Columbia  High  School.  We'll  never  forget  these  four
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