Page 9 - chs-1951
P. 9
Dear Faculty:
The day to which we have looked forward for
many years has finally come. We laugh and say how
glad we are that our chool life is over. In our hearts
there is an altogether different feeling-a feeling of
loneliness and sadness that is undescribable. Although
we may never come back, we shall never forget you.
Man hath a weary pilgrimage
As through the world he winds,
On every stage, from. yo-uth to age,
till discontent attends
With heaviness he casts his eye
Upon the road before
And still remembers with a sigh,
The days that are no more.
ppcr Lcft- :\lr. Charlc~ FaY, B . . , \V. History, B.S., Ph. Ed.; Mrs. Rosebud ~k obkcy, B. ·., Ph. Ed.,
!'. A. D .; \Irs. \far\ Fut<:h, B.S., ~o<:. tudic , Mr. T. ~fr. Ted Tucker, B . . , \f.E.D., American Histon .
J. Git•gl'r, B .. , <:ien<.-e. Bottom Row, I. to r.- .\lrs. \ ed.1 At til\\ ,,; , B. \ .,
~lath ; :\lr. W. E. Kent, B. . :\f. -\.E., :\lath: .\lr-..
Top Row, I. to r.-:\fr. Walter Foy. B.S., Ph. Ed.; Johnv Johnson, B.A., \lath \1 r B L. Lan~ford , B.:.
\li s Elaine BrO\m, B .. , Ph Ed.; ~fr. Wilham F. Arm- \lath: ~fr. Kenneth Hast in~ , B. Chic , :\Irs. Lul.1
stron~, B. , Effccti\ c Li' in~, d .; \lr. Tommy Terry, ndrewes, Social Studic .