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                               THE  COLUMBIA COUNTY  LEDGER

                                         LAKE  CITY,  FLORIDA,  JUNE  6,  1961
         Editor-fum McBRIDE                                                    Assistant Editor-DoNNA J. JoHNSON
                                         LAKE  CITY,  FLORIDA,  JUNE  6,  1961

         TO  TOUR  FLORIDA           HEROIC  MEDAL
         The  Mayor,  James  Mont-  Lake  City's  HERO,  Sam                SEEKS  BANDITS
       gomery,  and  his  entire  staff  Bradshaw,  stationed  "on  the
                                                                                        Hewitt and Tyre
       left today for  a  two weeks tour  other  side  of  nowhere,"  has
                                                               BEVANS  WINS
       of  Florida.  Some  of  the  staff  just received  another medal  for                Suspects
        that  went  with  him  were:  heroic  deeds  in  the  "6eld  of
                                                                                      Columbia  County  Sherifl,
        James  Thomas,  Lawrence  Gil- potato  peeling."     D.  H.  Bevans  just  won  an- Billy  'Tough  One"  Cox  is
        bert,  Hugh  Feagle,  and  Secre-                  other  "Speed  Demon"  hot-rod  looking  for  two  bandits  who
        tary  Ca~;olyn  Bearden.                           race.  This  makes  his  eighth  in  stole  his  wife's  (Maymie Lou)
                                 Hospital StaH             succession.  Of  course,  he  is  a  Henry J Convertible last night.
        Miss MaryLou Sheppard                  Is  Boosted  pitiful  sight ... "but  the  race  The  suspects  are  believed  to
           Added to School Fac:ul~   Lake  Shore  Hospital  has  must  go  on."     be  the  notorious  "Baby  Face"

         Miss  Merry  Lou  Sheppard,   just  added  to  their  staff  two           Hewitt  and  "Small  Boy"  Tyre
                                 new  nurses,  Miss  Donna  Jean                    (Welfred).  Anyone  knowing
       the  well  known  music  critic,
                                 Johnson  and  Miss  Anne  Bark-
       has  just been  added  to  the  ~                      Farnell's Hotshots    the  whereabouts  of  these  two
                                                                Here on Trip        characters  please  notify  the
       lumbia  High  School  faculty.  er.
       She  will  replace  Miss  Ann                         Lamar  Farnell  and  his  six  sheriff  at  once.
       Wilby.                                              piece  band have  just hit  town.
                                 Johnson-McGiew at
                                        "Bull Frog Club"   They are  on one of  their  road
                                                           trips  between  Lulu  and  Lake   DO  YOU  HAVE  A
        MISS  SHIRLEY  POPE        Ray  Johnson  and  Jack  Me-
                                                           City.  He  is  featuring  Edward
                                 Clew  are  now  singing  at  the
            ANNOUNCES            "Bull  Frog  Club,"  located   Epling  in  a  solo  entitled,   LONELY
           THE  OPENING          about  twelve  miles  down  the
                                 "Swanee  Ribber."
                Of Her                                                                  HEART

                                                             ATTENTION:                        ?
         Modeling  ARE  YOU  HUNGRY?                                                           .

            School               ARE  YOU  TIRED?             Tall  Gals!           ter,  who  gives  advice  ta  one
                                                                                      If so,  call  Miss  Margie  Car-
                                      If You Want to                                and  all.  Her  advice  has  been
                                                             If  you  tall  girls  are  inter- helpful  through  the  years.
                                      Sleep OT Em, OT
                                      Sleep and Eat,       ested in joining a 'Timber Tall
         LOOK-AGAIN                   Come to ...          Lassies'  Club," see  Miss Ginny   CALL

              Phone 370                                    Ives,  who  (by the  way)  finally   Lonely Hearts
                                  STUFF  AND  SHUFF        reached  the  height  of  5'  1".
            If She Doe&n't               HOTEL                                               Hill

               Amwer,                ALIDA  JA  E  A  D                                For Any Information
                                       DON  DANSBY               Phone XYZ
           She' 3  Not There            PROPRIETORS                                     You Might Desire
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