Page 50 - chs-1953
P. 50
Pledges, F1rst Row, Left to R1ght · Evelyn Down1ng, Polly Ann Cox, Ltnda Arnold, Cecile Joyner,
orma orns, Margaret Phdl1ps.
Second Row: Dav1d God,ng, Billy Rowan, Gerald Hewttt, Betty Hutcherson, Nancy Hunter
Th1rd Row Masof'l Jo>e. Bdl Ells, Alg1a Colltns, Larry Douglass, Ted Van ldersttne
Center Mrs Rtchard D Ktper, Sponsor; Mr Byron Holeman, Supervts ng Pnnopal, Hoyt Horne, Pres•-
dent of Scnety. Mrs. Harold Means, Sponsor.
Senior Members, Ftrst Row I rene Noms, Margie Farnell, Nora Ann McColskey, Regna Ray, Beverly
Ftelds V ·ve Douglass.
Second Row. Joan Gtebetg Pat Phd! ps, Wylenc Flemmg, Joan Wheeler, Phyllts Dawsey, Sonya Sweat.
Thtrd Row Frances Waldron, Btll Fletcher, Btlly Ogden, Wayne Hammons, Ted Douglass, Wayne
_National Jlonor Society
To be el1gtble for membership in the
Nattonal Honor Sooety a student must
show outstandtng qualtties of:
1 Scholarship
2. Leadershtp.
3 Character.
4. Service.
To rematn an act1ve member students
must matntatn a "B" overall average and
portray the other Cardtnal principles.
1952-1953 OFFICERS
Prestdent .................. Hoyt Horne
Vtce-Prestdent .......... Evelyn Downtng
Secretary ................... Regna Ray
Treasurer .......... Nora Ann McColskey