Page 52 - chs-1953
P. 52

Front  Row  Nev1n  Nettles,  Charles  Perry,  Randolph Gilbert,  H1ram  Douglass.  Manon  Thomas.  Douglas
                  Johnson,  Spencer  Thomas,  Bob  Gillen.
              Second  Row  Leonard  Murray ; Chester Taylor,  Donald  Church.  Franklm  Lee  Howard  Bulthu1s  J  L.
                   Dunaway,  Willie  Ray  Hunter,  Hugh  K1rby,  Charles  Reg1ster.
              Th1rd  Row : Frankl1n  K1ng,  J  M  Moody,  James Cour:;ey,  Plato K1rby,  Homer Huchmgson, Tommy  Rowan,
                   Edgar  Po1tev1nt,  John  Hall,  Alton  Larramore,  Enc  Croft,  Ted  Guerry.
               Last  Row  Glen Gilbert,  Tillman  R1chards,  Hardy  Kemp,  Wayne Jackson, Charles Crews,  Henry  Harring-
                   ton,  Jerry  Wood,  Mayse  Hall1day,  Wayne  W1tt,  Fntz Founta1n.  Gene Cole.  J1mmy Wdl1ams.  Pres-
                   ton  Sandl1n  Wdl1am  K1rby.  Nesb1tt  Gray.  Arnold  Chandler
                               £ill $keely                   -    9.  9.  ol.

                   The  Future  Farmers of  Amenca  or  "F.F A"  IS  a  Nat1onal  Organ1zat1on  of.  by,  and  for  farm  boys
              study1ng Vocat1onal  Agnculture, between  the ages of  14-21  years  of  age
                  The  F FA  IS  an  1ntra-curncular act1v1ty  havmg  1ts ongm  and  root  1n  a def1nite  part of  the  school
              curnculum-Vocat1onal  Agnculture.  Through  act1ve  part1C1pat1on,  the  members  learn  how  to conduct
              and  take  part  1n  publ1c  meet1ngs,  to  speak  m publ1c.  to  f1nance  themselves and  to assume c1v1c  respon-
          The  F FA  IS  a  non-prof1t,  non-pol1t1cal,  farm  youth
      organization  of  voluntary  membership,  des1gned  for  the
      development  of  leadersh1p,  the  budd ng  of  a  more  per-
      manent agnculture,  and  the  1mprovement  of  country  l1fe
          The  Bdl  Sheely Chapter was organ1zed  1n  Sept  1949
      w1th  Rodney  D1cks  ac.t1ng  as  f1rst  Pres1dent  The  reason
      for  the organ1zat1on of a new chapter was due  to  the  large
      enrollment of  the Agnculture Department  By  hav1ng  two
      chapters  the  members  have  an  opportun1ty  for  more  par-
      tiCipation  1n  vanous  conte.sts,  develop1ng  leadersh1p  as
      well as a sense of compet1t1on w1th1n  the department  The
      name  of  Bdl  Sheely  was  selected  as  J  tnbute  to  one  of
      our Columb1a  County  F FA boys  who  r;ave  h1s  l1fe  m the
      Serv1ce  of  h1s  country  dunng  World  War  II  Bdl  Sheely
      was an outstand1ng Future Farmer as well as a fme student.
      Chester Taylor. Sentmel;  Leonard  Murray,  Reporter. Wil-
      lie  Ray  Hunter.  Treasurer.  Donald  Church,  Secretary;
      Hugh  K1rby,  Parl1amentanan,  Franklin  Lee.  Pres1dent;
      J. L  Dunnaway, Adv1ser;  Howard BulthuiS, V1ce-Pres1dent.
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