Page 114 - chs-1961
P. 114
Senior ::IJireclor'l
~lyrtice Jlarie Douberly Betty Rochelle Hudson
Tri-Hi-Y 3; DCT 4. "B" Ba ketballl; FHA 1,2; DCT 4.
Harry .\lurray Dudley Carl Luther Huggins
Football 2; FFA 4. FFA 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Basketball 2; Glee Club 4.
John Calvin Dykes Mearl Annette Jenkins
":\lo t Bashful" Tiger taff 2; DCT 4; Beta Club 4.
Baseball 1: Football 3,4, Pepsi Cola ~lerit Award 3,4;
Hi-Y 4; Tri-Hi-Y ~!ascot 4. ·winston Conrad Johnson
"\Iost Intellectual"
Sharon Layne Ellzey Beta Club 3,4, at10nal Honor ociety 3,4; Mu Alpha
FH 1; Library 3. Theta 4; DAH. American Hi tory Award 4; Pepsi Cola
:-.lerit Award 4.
Ronald ldinc Feagle
FFA 1,2,3,4, .\c.:ting Pre. ident 4. Chapter Farmer Degree Patricia Louise Keaton
3; 4-H 1,2,3,4; Pep i Cola ~lerit A'' .nd 3.
"B st Looking"
Joann Fleming, Homeroom treasurer 1: Band 1,2: \1ajordte 1.2, Girl
FHA 1,3,4. ·couts 1,2,3,4, FIIA 1,2,.l; Junior Red Cross 1.2,3,4, erved
Jr- r. Banqut"t 2; Tri-IIi-Y 3,4. Vic -President 4, FT
George Elmer Flyth 3.4, Pep Club 3,4, Ti~er taff 3,4; Annual taff 3,4;
panish Club 1, "B" Football2; DCT 3,4. enior Cotillion Club 2,3,4, Homeroom Secretary 3; Al-
ternate to Girls State 3; Future Nurses 4; Honor Roll 4;
'Villiam Earl Fountain Homeroom Reporter 4; Pepsi Cola Merit Award 4.
Homeroom President 3,4, IIi-Y 4; Ti~er taff 4.
Byronelle Keen
Burton Odell Freeman, Jr. erver at Jr-Sr Banquet 1; Ti~er taff 1,2; erver at FFA
panish Club 1, '"B" Football 2, FFA 4; DCT 3,4. Banquet 1, Homeroom Secretary 1,2, Cotillion Club 1;
FilA 1.2,3,4. Heporter 1, \'ice-President 2, President of
Anna Loui e Greene Degrees 4, Library Club 1; oftball 1,2; "B" Basketball
FHA 1,2,3,4; Glee Club 1,2; Pep Club 2; F. 'A 3,4, 1; Girl Scouts 1.2,3,4; Reporter of ophomore Class;
Hi. torian 3,4, Tiger taff . e\\·s Editor 4. Homeroom \'ice-President 3; Tri-Hi-Y 3,4, Runner-up for
~1iss CHS 3, '' ·tringbusters" 4.
YFilliam Lee Guerry
Boy couts 1; 4-II 2; Football 1,2,4. Gloria Paulette Keen
Treasurer of Freshman Class 1; FHA 1,2,4, Chapter De-
Johnny Cecil Ilall gree 4, Office Assistant 1,3; Tri-Hi-Y 3; FNA 3.
"\\'ittie t"
FFA 1,2,3,4, Pre. ident 4, Football 1,2,3,4; Hi-Y 3,4; "C" Daniel Franklin Kelley
Club 3,4.
"\lo t Dignified"
Margaret Thcatis Ilall Boy couts 1; Honor Roll 1.2,3; ecretary Homeroom 1;
FilA 1 2.4, Parliamentarian 1; Pep Club 2; Tri-IIi-Y Pepst Cola :\lerit A\\,ml 1,4; Jr. Red Cross 1,2,3,4; "B"
3, I A 3; Glee Club 4, Library 4. Football 1,2, Cotillion Club 2,3; '"B" Basketball 2; FFA
Tn·asurcr 2: Football ~lanager 3: Pa~e at Gradua-
Betty Ruth Harden tion 3; Boys tate 3o '":\" Basketball 3,4; "A" Baseball
Glee Club 1,2: Library Club 4. 3,4; "C" Club 3,4, Homeroom \'ice-President 4; ports
Editor of Annual hff 4 FFA \'ice-Prc-.ident 4: FHA
Jame Ronald Ilarden Beau 4, Offin• .\ssist mt 4, tudeut Council Hcpn·-.enta-
FFA 1,2,3.4, Chapter Fanner Degree 3,4. tive 4; "A" Football 4.
Dorothy Virginia Herndon Alice )faxine Kirby
FHA 1,2,3, 3rt! \"ice-President "·ith Chapter Degree 4, Spanish Club 1; Office ssistant 2; F"\A 3; Library Club
II< 1 wroom ·t·cretary 2,3, Office Assistant 3, Tri-Hi-Y 4, Annual Staff 4; DCT 4.
3,4, .. trin~bmter." 4; ;\!i. s I"IIA 4
Phullis Maxine Lackey
Linda ,\Jaric l/cnulon
"t·n er ,tt FF.\ Banquet I, FHA 1.2,4, Chapter Degree "\fost Intellectual"
4; Offin· A"ist,mt 4; Cit·~ Club 4, Hunuer-up for Tobacco '.ttional Ilmwr Soci<·ty 3,4; Beta Club 4.
Que n 4.
J.ucy Jane Lane
'Villiam J.arry Hines ":\fost School Spirit"
Junior Red Cross 1,2; Pep Club 3, Glee Club 3. "B" Basket hall 1; Girl Scouts 1.2,3,4, Vice-President 3,
St·nior Scout Hmmdup 3: Junior Red Cross 1.2 . .'3,4; Ser-
Johnny \lack llinson H'r tt Jr-Sr. B.mquet I, '"If' Clwerleadcr 2; "A" Cheer-
Tran ferred from Il.trrishur~ lli(Th School. Concord, '\'orth lmd< r 3,4; FTA 3, Student Council 3. Tri-Hi-Y 3,4;
Carolina 3, Cl.tss Officer '>ecrdarr 3; Tiger taff 4. Powder Puff J'oothall .'3,4; \'ic(•-Pesident Junior Class 3;
Annual Staff Cluh I:ditor 4: Girls Intramurals 4; Pepsi
Iris Fay Ilodges Cola \lerit A" ani 4; Cotillion Club 2,3,4.
Glee Club 1, Library Club 2, FHA 3,4; Beta Club 4.
Jlary Gail Hosford Russel Gilbert I.arramore
Girl Scouts 1,2,3,4. Songle.tder 3, Seeretarr-Treasurer 4; FF:\ 1.2,3,4, 4-H 1.2,3, t, Tiger taff 4.
Junior Ht'd Cro. s 1.2.3. St•cn .3. F II \ 1.2; SenTr at
Jr-Sr. Banquet 1; Ih,kl'thall 1: Cotillion Club 2,3,4, Tri- Gary \\'ilson Law
lli-) 3,4, Songleader 4; FTA 3,4, Pep Club 3,4; Annual 'paui h Club l. Track 2, Pep Club 3; "C" Club 3,4;
Staff 4. tudcnt Council 4.
Poge 0 e Hu dred Ten