Page 116 - chs-1961
P. 116
Senior '2irecf or'J
Edward Wayne Sandlin Karlynn Lee Wenger
FF A 2; Football 2,3; Glee Club 4, Treasurer 4; Pepsi "Most Likely to Succeed"
Cola ~lerit A\\,ud 4. Transferred from St. Genevieve-of-the-Pines, Asheville,
'orth arolina 3; Homeroom Treasurer 3; Florida Girls
Barbara Ann Sapp State 3; Tri-IIi-) 3,4; Girl Scouts 3,4; S nior Cotillion
FilA 1,4, lee Club 2; Powder Puff Football 3; Library 3,4, Pep Club 4, Usher at Graduation 3; Homeroom
Club 4. President 4; "A" Team Cheerleader 4; Editor-in-chief
of Yearbook 4, :\,ltional Honor Soci ty 4; Beta Club 4;
Linda May chmidt
Pepsi Cola Merit Award 4, Senior Class Play 4; Secretary
Transf<.'rred from r\orthern High chool, Durham, orth 1arch of Dimes TAP 4.
Carolina 4; Tri-Hi-) 4; Annual Staff Clas Editor 4·
Tiger taff 4; Office As istant 4, enior Class Play 4: \V illiam Arthur \Vest bury
heridan Leigh hackelford Bet..t Club 1, Glee Club 1, Sdence Club 2; Pep Club 3.
"Mo t Ba hful" Elmer \Vheeler
Girl couts 1,2,3,4, ecretary 1, Vice President 4; FHA 1; Varsity Football 1,2,3,4; Treasurer of Sophomore Class
·pamsh Club 1; enior Cotillion Club 2,3; erver Jr.-Sr. 2: D ·r 3,4, ergcant-at-Arms 4, Hi-) 4, Baseball 4;
Banquet 2; Jr. Red Cros · 2,3, President 2; Basketball FFA4.
~\.tanager 3; Homeroom President 3; Delegate to ational
CAR Comention 3; Pepsi Cola \lerit Award 4; tudent Carol Eveme Williams
Council Representative 4; Annual taff 4; Tri-lli-Y 3,4; Girl Scouts 1,2,3,4, President 3, Roundup 2; Band 1,2,3,
F A4. \1ajon.tte 1,2,3; FilA 1,2, Secretary 2; Jr. Red ross 1,2,
3,4, Treasurer 2; Homeroom officer 1,2,3,4; Library Club
Joe Henry olamon 1; FTA 2,3, Program Chairman 3; otillion Club 2,3,4;
Ba ketball 1,2,3,4; Library Club 4; "C" Club 4. Server Jr.- 'r. banquet 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3,4, ecretary 4; Powder
]ames Larry Staten Puff Football 3, Pep Club 4; Homecoming Queen 4; Hi-
) \!ascot 4; Class Reporter 4; Pepsi Cola Merit Award 4.
"B" Football!; FFA 1,2,4, FTA 3.
David Cecil Williams
Shirley fane teele Spanish Club 1; Library Club 1; "B" Football 2; "A"
"Mo t Athletic" Football4.
"B" Team hecrleader 1,2; FHA 1,2,3,4, Secretary 2,
President 4; Girl\ oftball Team 1,2; Girl cout · 1,2,3,4, Donald . \lien Williams
ecretary 3, Girls Basketball 2,3,4, Captain 4, Glee Club ":\lost Courteous"
2; Cotillion Club 2,3; FT A 3, Powder Puff Football 3, Glee Club 1,2,4, Pianist 2,4; Beta Club 2,3,4, President
4; Red Cross 3, ecretary 3; Tri-IIi-Y 3,4; Page at 4; Bo}·s Quartet 2; FT A 3; Pepsi Cola Merit ward 4.
Baccalaureate 3, erved at Jr.-Sr. Banquet 3; Pep Club
3,4; Tiger Staff 4, Sports Editor; Calendar Girl 4.
Irvin Fletcher \Villiams
Gke Club 1; Senior Cotillion Club 2; Football 2; Library
Patricia rm tcplzens Club 3,4.
4-H 1; .lee Club 1,4; FHA 1,4; Library Club 4.
Virlyn Benson Willis, ]r.
Forest Alton Stevens, Jr. "!\to t Likely to Succe d"
"" Teatest" Freshman Class Vice-President; Key Club 2,3,4, Lieuten-
Xational Honor ociety 3,4, President 4, Student Council tant Governor, Florida District 4, Xational Honor ociety
3; \!athematical A'>sociation of America ward 3; 1u 3,4, President 3, tudent Council Vice-President 3, enior
lpha Theta 4; Beta Club 4; Annual taff 4, Florida Boy's Class Pn·sident, \lu Alpha Theta 4; Florida Boy' tate
tate 4. 4, Annual taff 4, Library Club 4, ·enior las· Play 4.
Franklin • athaniel Strickland ]ames \Villiams Wilson
FFA 1,3, DCT 4. "Best Looking"
"B" Football 1: Boy Scouts 1,2; Key Club 2,3,4, President
Jimmy ilas Tew 4; "A" Football 2,3,4, Co-Captain 4, Student Council 3;
4-H 1, Football 1; Ba.,ketball 2, E:-.plorer couts 3; Driver Coed Scouts 3,4; Track 3,4, Captain 4, " " lub 3,4;
Training 'tudent lmtructor 4. Hi-Y 3,4, Basketball 4; Tri-~li-Y Ma cot 4.
]ames David Thoma ]ames Riley \Vitt
FFA 1,2,3,4, Library Club 1. 4-II 1,2,3,4, President 3; FF A 1,2,3,4.
1 uanita [,ouis(' Tim mons Linda Gail Wood
4-II 1,2,3; FII-\ 1,2,3, FTA 4. Girl couts 1,2,3,4, punish Club 1, Tiger taff 1; FHA
1; Pep Club 2; Tri-IIi-Y 3,4; Junior Red Cross 3, FTA
Judith lwron Tomlinson 3,4; Office As.,istant 3, Annual taff 3,4, Cotillion Club
FHA 1,3,4; Treasurer 3,4; Pepsi Cola Merit Award 3. 3, Library Club 4, Trea ·urer 4.
Virginia Phyllis Vining Wash Hardy Wood
"Cute ·t" FF A 1,2,3, Chaplain 2,3.
"B" Team Cheerleader 1,2, Captain 2; tudent Council
1,2,4, Offiter-at~Lar~e 4, Spanish Clnh l. Jr. ]\(•d Cross Glynda Wynn
1,3,4, FIIA 1,3,4, Historian, \'ic<.'-Pn·.,idcnt 4; Cotillion "\ lost Courteous"
Club 2; S(·rn•d at Jr.- r. Banqu<•t 2; ,h<•r at Baccalaure- Fll:\. 1,4, Vice-Prl'sident 4; oftball 2; Powder Puff
at<• 2. Pep Club 2,3,4; Glee lub 2; "A" Team Cheer- Football 3.4, Baskdball 3,4; Glee ,lub 4, ecretary 4·
ll'.tdcr 3,4, Secretary of Junior Class 3, Page at Gradua- Annual Staff Copy Editor 4; Pep lub 4, Tri-Hi-Y 4:
tion 3; Powder Puff Football 3,4, Secretary of enior
Chm 4; Tri-IIi-Y 4; ergeant at Arms 4; Pepsi Cola Patricia Ann Youngblood
\lerit Award 4; Office A sistant 4; Calendar Girl 4. Beta Club 2,3,4, ecretary 4, Tiger taff 3, F. 'A 3.
Poge Ore Hund•ed Twelve