Page 113 - chs-1963
P. 113

LEFT TO  HICIIT.  \Irs.  Callow,ty,  Ach-isor,  Lula  \l.w Pc·<-lcr,  Vice-President
                                              (Public  lklations),  Libby  O'Br:an,  Vice-President  (Degrees);  \1ary  Lou
                                              Durrance  Vice-Prcsidt·nt  He creation)  Sw · Griffin,  Vice-President  'Projc'C:tsl,
                                              Lucille  \1oor~.  Histori.m  Sharon  Cone,  eerctary;  Clcnda  Brannon,  Parlia-
               DAVID  IIER:\DO  T
                     Beau                     mentarian;  \largaret  Odom,  Treasurer;   OT  PICTURED:  Dorothy  Doss,
                                              Vice-President  (Program  of  Work);  Linda  Blanton,  President.

                     Future  Homemakers  of  America

      FIRST  ROW,  LEFT  TO  HICHT.  Juanita  Tillm:~n,  Libby   Sherlyn  Liston,  Freda  Ann  Pickens,  Glenda  Hill.  FOURTH
      O'Bryan,  Lind.t  H.tll,  Joann  Crews,  parkle  Kapes,  Joyce   RO\\';  Linda  Turner,  Shc·rry  Crews,  Lucille  \loore,  an-
      Williams,  ~1artha Dykes,  Lula \lae Peeler.  SE  0.  D  HOW:   dra  Little,  Linda  Dicks,  Wanda  Henry,  Cheryl  \1arkham.
      \Irs.  Calloway,  \far~  Jane  Dyke'>.  Bonnie  Fay  king,  Boots   FIFTH  ROW.  Virginia  Flint,  Barbara  Powell,  Carolyn
      Guerry,  :\larie  Herndon,  Jnd}  Spradley  :\l.trgaret  Odom,   Breskovic,  Linda  '\orris,  ~fary  Johnson,  Paulette  Kent,
      \trs.  Fouraker.  TIIIHD  HO\V:  Glenda  Brannon,  Sharon   Donna  Green,  Irma  Lloyd.
      Cone,  Ann  Ea terwood,  Pat  \felton,  ~lary  Lou  Durrance,

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