Page 114 - chs-1963
P. 114

~1R . \1cCOLSKEY

                                                                       D .C.T.
          TOP  TO  BOTTO\!:  Honald  Bowman,  Sergeant-at-Arms;
          Gail  Cone,  H.eporter,  joye  \\'arren,  Historian;  :\lary  Damp-
          ier,  Treasurer;  Joyce  Thomas,  S •cretary;  Pat  \1arkham,
         Vice-President;  Ralph  Wheeler,  President.

          FIHST  HOW,  LEFT  TO  HIGHT:  Pat  :\larkham,  ~1ary   Crews,  Juanice  Fralick,  Gail  Cone.  THIHD  HOW:  Lonnie
          Dampier,  joyce  Thomas,  Chen!  Hammond,  Joye  Warren,   Brinkley,  Eugene  Hobertson,  Clifton  Luck,  Ralph  Wheel-
          Sandra  Ha .. h.  SECO.\'D  HOW:  :\Irs.  :\lcColskcy,  Ronald   er, Billy Peeler, Dewey Keen.
          Bo" m.m,  \\'ayne  Brantley,  Betty  Lou  Phillips,  Charles
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