Page 125 - chs-1964
P. 125
TOP HOW: 'am Cauthen, Vice Pre~i
dent, '\;elson Block<•r, Treasur •r; MID-
DLE HOW: Mr. Hussell, Sponsor. BOT-
TOM HOW: E d d i e Davis, President,
Dale Pigott, Secretary.
VERTICAL ROW: H.ichard Hossi, Dal<• Pigott, Jimmy Arnold, Tomm)
KEY Hackney, Phil tiles, Bill Gillespie, Mike Schilpp, Eddie Davis, Mr.
Russell, Sponsor. DI GO:\'AL , TOP TO BOTT0~1: am Cauthen,
'\;ehon Blocker, Duan<• Thomas, Larry Joye, Paul Vann, Ray \Villiams,
John Lockett, Andy Johnson. Hichard Snyder.
FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: 1ay ettles, Peggy Blackmon, Susan hackellord,
Betsy Butler, Georgia HacJ..-ney, Kay Colson, Ann Butler, Shirley Persons, parkle
Kapcs. SECO D ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Tschama Hartsfield, Becky Etheridge,
Anne Dobelstein, Linda Hanna, Rafalar \Veaver, Judy Carr, Branda Mor e, Rita
Thomas, Carol Kaeiser, Diane Blackmon, Ch ryl Hammons. THIRD ROW, LEFT
TO RIGHT: John Rehberg, Dale Pigott, Gary McDonald, Richard Ro si, Janice
Blackwell, Paula Klay, WilJard Hedrick, Celia Copeland, uzanne Phillips, Kathy
Morgan, Dottie Del ull.
Last year's Annual Rep-
resentatives managed to
sell 450 Columbians, but
this year's Representatives
exceeded everyone's ex-
pectations when they sky-
rocketed their sales to 00
books. The Staff ou;es
many thanks to these stu-
dents for their unu. rwl suc-