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P. 126


                                                  COLUMBIA  COUNTY
                                                 LAKE  CITY,  FLORIDA
                                      BUFORD  H.  GALLOWAY,  SECRETARY  AND  SUPERINT'ENDENT

            Dear  Sen:!.ors :

                   The  success  of every  individ·  is  , .e  sured  by  action,  not  acting;
             by  tein  ,  not  belon~int; ;  by  cor'l_::>leti:l  ,  not  ju3t  be<-in."'lin  •  ':'ru.e  success
             in  your  .;ill be  determined  ty  t:1e  Y.rorthwhile ,  humanitarian  o.nd
            needed  co;~.munity activities  you  carry  throur,h  to  fruition .       It v.rill  depend
             u.pon  1-:hat  you  accon.)lish,  not  what  you  capa'tle  of  coin  •  Ic  ~,r ill l.>e
            necessar~  to  prepare,  to  ~lm ,  Lo  ~rork ,  to  serve  and  accom_>lish  in  order
             to  se  a  success .

                   I  can t  has  ruined  :'lany  a  pGrson;  _!will  try has  Hon;;t  a  victoryl
                   hct·ardless  of  a  ?erson s  station  in  life ,  true  success  ~cans  living
            '.lp  to  your  very  ~est .   It t:'l<.a:ls  coJ .. petin.  a, ainst  self,  '10t  a ·ainst
             mother  -person.  .·1an:  of  you  havt..  alread:  found  .·our  stauion.   j)e<iicate
            yourself  to  it enthusiastically;  lose  yourself  in  ful:illin.  the  de .. ancs
            it ,-:ill  require  a:  you;  a:1d  er:ri.nen t  success  is  assured.   Iou  -vf-.11  :ail r:1any
             times  uut  you  are  not  a  until  you  blane  soneone  clse l

                   This  is  a  l a r ;•e  task  rec1uirinr  r1uch  self- denial  anc·  self- discipline ,
             but  ~-ou v:ill  eno  1?  servin ~  sane thin  ci--. er  tno."'l  ;rourself  that  -rill
            challen ·e  thr- ver:.  '.es t  :·ou .   Consic:er  :aison,   instein,  Keller,
            Schr.;eitzer,  Cle:1n .   ~.ecall all  tho..>e  . .-... 10  fou.;:hc  to  ;)reserve  enhance
            ~·our .;\..."1erican  heri tare.  Your  sacrii'~ce - ill _.roba' ly  "'C  snall  indeed  as
            con.:.1ared  to  t:::.:.t  oi'  our  ~orc:'athers .   uclf- cisci?line,  self- denial,  ycs l
            -~nd  then  you  reap  s  ·ccess 1

                   :Lou  '·;ill  in;:>rove  t::e  quali t::  of  our  .:ree  socie t:·,  not  oy  tuildin ~  a
             . i  t  ::r,;en  Lo:'lb,   •l t  ~Y r·eco ·n:::..zinr  o.n<i  SUEi::>ortinr'  t'r.e  dir·nity  <:'.~d
             ·rortn  O..L  e  c!1  ino.ividual.  is  rr:o ~'e  .. :arvelous  t:.h an  a"'l:,'  mo. chine 1

                   i:~emer:1r  r  tnc ':Drlcl  o~ms  J  ou  noi:J:nin ....  }_,ut  a:1  0 J, ortJnity  to  develop  ;,rour
            .1axirnur1  potential.  .. o.:·  :,'ou,  1-:ith  t.~1e  r:.&cs.i.c  tools  the  schools  have  assisted
            :ou  to  c:.cq_-.1il·e,  ;  ~;our  ti;r;(; ,   tal~n:. ,  c::nd  to  liv  successfull.>
            .:.n--:  to  l~ave a  furt: .... r  enriched  hc ri tat·c  for  those  •-.rho  folla.-i .  The  .rorld  of
             to,.-orro':-r  ci.e)ends  "J.pon  ;~roJ. l

                  .. uch  love  anci  S'lccess  to  Qll  o_  you  ! rom  all  of  u.::>.


                                                          .:J .  ,, •  Jallo1-ray      J
                                                          County  School  Supe rintenQen t

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