Page 92 - chs-1964
P. 92
FRO. 'T HO\\', I Fl· I TO RlCTIT: Kcmwth Cn en, D.tYid
Odom, Billy jot d'on, Ch:ulie Harrison. \like \lcCra~
Richard Let•, Otts Roberts, \',m \Nbll \\'alter
\\ells, ]imm~ Brown, Vernon Doughs. SFCO D HO\\
Butch I t•wis, Cordon Roberts, Ronnie \!angle, Hillard
Ihrtle). \like Smith, John Lamb, Larry Bryan, Jot• Jordan.
Wink Criswell,
Jim mold, and
Bobb\ S.mdlin
Ale\ Stewm, Ho~ Staten, D:mny Owens. Dick-
THIRD RO\\'. BobbY Cast•. Tt·d Hansen, Tohn Pt•nnPil \like
C:trtt•r, Terrv Pellino: RodnPv orth. Freddie· Pmtl \\'IH•Pkr,
Ken Jackson, Leo Tedder. Corbett Home. Hamilton \lathis.
Richard Hale, James Puesclwl.
\1 CEHS.
Ricky Walker,
lien \1oody, .md
Jerry hackdford
The football players' life is one of hard work
tinged with glory or bitter defeat-th' C. II.
Tigers are no e:xception. The football play(•rs for '63
have weathered hours of practice and survi\ ed the
bruises of defeat to emerge victorious in school
spirit and loyal to the fine art of sportsmanship.
These few boys are the tangible representation of
school spirit-the im'\ itahlc glorv of a football
game, a happy chccrl ader, a victorious victory