Page 96 - chs-1964
P. 96


            Columbia  High  plunged  head first  into  a  frenzy
          of  activity  during  Homecoming week.  School  spirit
          was  hightencd  with  a  bonfire  and  a  parade which                        During  the  half-time
          was  lead by the cheerleaders, band,  and the Tiger.                        ceremonies,  Miss  Sandra
          Homecoming closed with  the Tigers fighting a hard                          Tedder was  c r o w n e d
          battle against  the  Braves  of  Palatka.                                   The  1963-64  Homecom-

                                                                                                THE  1963-64
                                                                                      Miss  Diane  Witt,  Miss
                                                                                    Sandra  Tedder,  and  Miss
                                                                                    Joyce  Henderson  escorted
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