Page 143 - chs-1966
P. 143

CLASS FLOWER: Yellow Ro ·e

                                CLAS  SONG: "Turn, Tum, Tum"

                      CLASS  MOTTO:  "  1ay  our  achievements  of  the  past
                      and  success  of  the  pre ent be only  a  promise  of  a  still
                      happier future."

                                CLASS COLORS:  avy and Yellow

                                       SARAH JOYCE ADAMS
                                  "The finest are often the quietest."
                                     0  IA "TO  I" ALDERMA
                                  "Bright and gay as a summer day."
                  F.N.A.  1;  Girl  Scouts  1;  Latin  Club  2,3,4;  Tri-Hi-Y  3;  Tiger  Staff  4;
                  V.O.E.  Reporter 4;  Steering Committee 4.
                                      EMORY LOYD ALFORD
                                    "I go  to  chool to  cut the fool."
                                     BETTYJEA      DERSO
                            "She  who  helps others has a multitude of friends."
                  F.N.A.  1;  Girl Scouts 1,2,3.
                                      RUAL LEE A  'DERSO,
                      "Full of fun  and mischief is he, ask his teachers and you will see."
                  Boy Scouts 1,2; Archery 1,2,3,4; Football 2,4;  Lettermen Club 4.
                                       LA  A RAE  BARAGER
                  "A  friend  is  a  person  who  tells  you  all  the  nice  things  you  always
                                       knew about yourself."
                  Girl  Scouts  1,2;  Para-Medic  Club  1,2;  F.HA.  1;  Tri-Hi-Y  2,3,4;  F.T.A.  2;
                  Pep Club 3; Tiger Staff 4.
                                WILLIAM T  R  iAN "BILLY" BARKER;
                              "I drink  to  the general ioy of the whole table."
                  Explorer  couts  1,2;  Hi-Y  2,3,4;  Latin  Club  2,3,4;  Steering  Committee  4;
                  DeMolay 4.
                                    BRENDA EALI  E BARTON
                                  "She gather  strength through ioy."
                                 SAMUEL EUGENE "SAM" BASSETT
                                  "Give the world the best you have."
                  Tran fer 3; Track 3,4.
                                         BILLY BA TILE
                            "A good-natured boy is welcome in any company."
                                    FRA  'CI  JE,  'I  'G  BEACH
                                "He ha  a friendly smile for  all he meets."
                  Boy  couts  1,2,3;  Student  Council  2,4;  Key  Club  3,4;  Beta  Club  3,4;
                  Football 4.
                                    LELER  UE BEDE  BAUGH
                                   "Judge not her worth by her size."
                  Girl  Scouts  1,2.3,4;  Glee  Club  1;  4-H  1,2,3;  F.N.A.  1;  Annual  Repre-
                   entative 3;  Annual Staff 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4.
                                     WILLIA  1 STEVE BISHOP
                                 "Men of few words are often the best."
                  Track 1; Transfer 3.
                                   A   'ETTA MARIE BLACKMON
                                  "Poco-Loco ... let the world slide."
                  Library Club 3,4, Library Club  tate Treasurer 4; V.O.E. 4.
                             DA  IEL CLARE  CE "DA    Y"  BOATRIGHT
                      "Sometimes quiet, sometimes shy, but the rest of the time-oh, my!
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