Page 144 - chs-1966
P. 144

                                              "All great men are dead and I'm not feeling so  well myself."
                                       Transfer 4.
                                                        IICH  EL JA~fE  "MIKE" BO"  D
                                                            "A friendly lad is he."
                                       Band 1,2,3,4; Football 4.
                                                         PRI  CILLA SUE BRACKIN
                                               "Never too busy to speak; never too unhappy to smile."
                                       Library  Club  1;  4-H  1;  F.H.A.  2,3;  Glee  Club  3,4;  F.T.A.  3,4;  Tiger
                                       Staff 4; Transfer 4.
                                                   MARTHA MAE HILL "MARTY" BRANNON
                                                  "If men were the bread of life,  I'd live forever."

                                                      PATRICIA A  N "P  T  Y"  BRIDGES
                                                    "It is a merry heart that ha  many friends."
                                       Glee  Club 1; D.C.T. 4.
                                                         PAULA RACHEL BRIDGES
                                           "She's not too quiet or too  hy; she's a friend that will never die."
                                       F.T.A. 2;  Beta Club 3,4; V.O.E. 4.
                                                         REBECCA SARAH BRIGGS
                                                       "H appine s is cheaper than worry."
                                       F.H.A.  1,2,3;  Latin  Club  1,2,3,  Glee  Club  1;  Tiger  Staff  3,4;  Girl  Scouts
                                       3,4; Art Club 4;  Annual Staff 4.
                                                          JOH  DAVID BRI   0
                                                 "A pleasant smile, a dispo  ition gentle and mild."
                                       Student Council!; Key  Club 4; Beta Club 4.

                                                           ANDRA LEIGH BROW
                                                           "Take life as  you find it."
                                       Tri-Hi-Y 2,3;  tudent Council 3; D.C.T. 4.
                                                        GLORIA  LOUI  E BRUMMETT
                                                            "Silence is strength."
                                       Pep  Club  1,2;  Glee  Club  1;  F.T.A.  2,3,4;  German  Club  2;  Beta  Club  4;
                                       Transfer 3.
                                                     GREGORY MARTI  "GREG" BROMS
                                                          "Energy is eternal delight."
                                                         MARGARET A     BRYA  T
                                                   "Politeness is real kindness,  kindly expressed."
                                       Student  Council  1;  Basketball  1.2,3;  Cheerleader  1.2,3;  4-H  1;  President
                                       of F.H.A.2, Treasurer of F.H.A. 3; Transfer 4.
                                                                ZAN  'E BUIE
                                                       "She is nice by name and nature."
                                       F.T.A.  1;  Office Assistant 3.
                                                        WILLE  E  ELLAF AIR BURNS
                                                            "MO  T DIG  IFIED"
                                           "Always ready with a word, witty and gay,  every hour of the day."
                                       Girl  Scouts  Honorable  Mention   cience  Fair  2;  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;
                                       Pep Club 3; Art Club 4;  Homecoming Court 4.
                                                          PARTICIA GAIL CAGLE
                                          "It's better to be small and shine than to  be big and ca  t a  hadow."
                                       Library Club 2;  Para- fedic 3; V.O.E. 4.
                                                         MARY GILL CALDWELL
                                                   "Few are her words, but wonderfully clear."
                                      Pep Club 1;  F.H.A. 2,3.
                                                         DAVID SHERWI  CARR
                                                   "A mixture of knowledge and good nature."
                                      Football  1;  Band  1;  Basketball  1,2,3;  Baseball  1,2,3;  Spanish  Club  3;
                                      Transfer 4.
                                                     WILLIA  f  HU  TER CARROLL, JR.
                                                          "MOST DEPE  DABLE"
                                                "Shoulders with the strength to  carry responsibility."
                                      Latin Club 1,2,3,4; Boy Scouts  1,2.3.4,  Eagle  cout 3.4;  Band  1,2,3:  Student
                                      Council  2;  Key  Club  3.4;  Beta  Club  3,4;  Top  10%  of  Senior  Placement
                                      Test  4;  Annual  Staff  4,  Annual  Representative  4,  Lay-out  Editor  4;
                                      Hi-Y 4.
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