Page 90 - chs-1968
P. 90
LEI<! TO HIGHT: Patll Bedenbaugh, Karen Paulk, Delores Hussell, Debra Steflens, ~lary Beth 'quilbce, Paul(•tte lrvm,
Charlene S('H'ram·e, Libba \Volf, Nonie \Villiams, ~ladeline Carrell, Suzanne Erwin. SECO D HO\V: • ·ancy 0' eal,
Susan Hobinson, Jeanette !!orne, Patsy orris, ~lartha Jo Deas, Da\ld Lockett, Betsy Bond, Carol Crawford, usanne
Bover. Laura Hentz, Debora Thomson, Pat Corbin. THIRD RO\V: Anne Cannon. Anne Owens, Debbie Dyal, usan
\lerkel, Herman Dyal, Pat llunter, Gaines ~lcFadden, Joe :\lcEndree, \\ayne Galloway, Jnnbo Ri,ers.
annual RepResentatives
liBRaRy ClUB
LEFT TO RIGHT, SEATED: Kathye Law, Slade Roberts, Diane Somers. FIR T ROW: Debbie Smith, Dorothy Phillips,
Deborah Steffens, Pat Cayton, Brenda Tyre, Dona Downing, Debra Spense, Judy Davis. SECO D ROW: Bobby Charles,
Judy Minks, Eddie Philpot, Richard Poole, Carl Dahlbeck, Philip Parnell, Jim Young.