Page 94 - chs-1968
P. 94

Ll  I· 'I'  TO  HICIIT:  Hor}  :\ht·rs,  Dl'hhie  En wry,  Fa) e  ()'  eal,  Cind)  II 1m ard,  Gloria  ScuS\el,  Kat h)  Bishop,  Dl'l>hie
          Snnth,  Chrh  Cain,  Pat  Cia\ ton,  1\.l'dra  lit'\\ t•tt,  Pt'llll)  Schilpp.  \strid  Kuyper\,  Pam  \lanasco,  Tlwre"1  Youn~.  Dd>ra
           ll.urin~ton ,  \1 rs.  Frank  Phillips.  SECO  D  HO\\:  \I art ine  Bean,  Samm)  Sellt•rs,  Linda  llillhouse,  Pt>~h')  \lamfkld,  Jt•am·an
          \ht·I ,  ( :.noh 11  \I ilton,  Jan In'  Bmh,  Lant•  Ditls,  \lartha  \I ike II.  \hu)  Futch,  Tt>na  Douberh,  Patricia  Pett>rs,  Fay<'  Stim•-
          spiin~.  (.H·~  Ga\t·mk,  Charlottt·  Blatk\\t'll.  Till HI)  HO\\.  \Irs.  Edna  Kel'll,  Doll<lld  Cn•ws,  Jt>all  Stinespnn~.  Susan
           \h•1 kel,  Jo.ui  B1 imon,  Sand1 a  ( :amphdl,  Linda  Cn·" s,  Blondtll  Hodriquu,  '>ue  Blount,  <1111  0<htt•rhoud t,  Stq>lwn  1\.t·t·n,
          Dn1.1  I lull ,  Dd>hl(•  Clt•mt'llts,   1na  I'l'll'rson.  'sOT  PICT  HED:  Donna  Anmtron~.  Di<lllllt'  Crt•ws,  'sl'ttil'  Kirh\ ,  An1her
           Huss,  K.,th)  Hl'l'd                                                                     ,


           LEFT TO  IUCIIT,  FIHST  HO\\ .  ~.111dr.1  C.unplll'll  \  1n·  Pres1dent,  Kedra
           llt·\\dt -Pn·sldl'nt,  Astnd  1\.uypers Tn·asun•r.  SECO:\D  HO\\'.  'sina  Pl'ler-
           son-Chaplaiu,   Laue   Dick- Sl'nl'l,ll) ,  Joau   Bnnson-lllstorian-n•porter
          Dl'hhlt' Enlor}  Sar~l'aut-at -<Hnl'.

                                                                         Lf.o:FT  TO  HIGHT:  DI'>tnct  Of11cers:  Janice
                                                                         Bush, <llld  Dehhil' Emory

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