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Williams, Horace- 65               Wilson, Hambone- 65, 142, 143, 151 ,   Wright, Johnny- 84
          Williams, James - 99, 160           165, 166, 181
          Will iams,  Linda- 99, 123         Wilson, Mike - 99                               y
          Williams, Rosalyn -127            Wilson, Russell- 99
          Williams, Sheri ton- 99           Windham, Gail-99, 117              Yawn, Ann- 84, 125
          Will iams, Sherreda- 65           Witt, Brenda- 84, 104, 123         Yeatts,  Yvonda  - 65,  66,  105,  114,
          Will iams, Suzanne- 99             Witt, Carol - 65                    122
          Williams, Tommy -162              Witt, Elizabeth - 15, 135          Young, Jenny - 99
          Williamson, Linda - 65             Witt, Joe - 99, 126
          Williamson,  Ray - 99             Witt, Martha- 99, 127, 132                       z
          Willis,  Mary  Dean  -84,115,116, 118,   Witt, Tom - 99
            119                             Wolford, Craig - 99                Zahner,  Ingrid - 65, 106, 132
          Wills, Ger-trude- 65              Wood, Tony- 84,  112               Zahner,  Joseph  - 84,  105,  115,  119,
          Wills, James- 99                  Woods, Wanda - 84, 125               120, 128
          Wi lson, Diane -65, 112, 113      Worth, Betsy - 84, 106, 115, 122   Zahner, Rose - 99, 105
          Wilson, Donald- 84                Wright,  Hanson- 18                Zedaker, Doris - 20

                                               Faculty  Directory

          Mr.  Roy  Adkins  - Middle  Tennessee   Mrs.  Brenda  Denby  - Trevecca  Naz-  University  of  Florida,  and  Western
            State  University,  B.S.  and  M.A.   arene  and  Catherine  Spaulding   Carolina  University,  B.S.  Degree;
            Degrees ;  teaches  Modern  Biology   Colleges ; teacher-aide.       teaches physical education.
            and Human Physiology.
                                            Mr.  James  Ellis  - Troy  State  Univer-  Mrs.  Carol  Holcombe  - Southeastern
          Mrs.  Dean  Arnold  -The University of   sity,  B.S.  and  M.S.  Degrees;  as-  Louisiana  College  and  Louisiana
            Alabama, B.A. Deg ree ; teaches typ-  sistant principal.             State  University,  B.A.  Degree;
            ing and shorthand.                                                   teaches  physical  education  and
                                            Mrs.  Ann  Foster  - Lake  City  Junior   health.
          Mr.  Howard  Austin  - Alabama  State   College,  T.A.T.  Degree ;  teacher-
            University  and  The  University  of   aide.                       Mr.  Wayne  Hollingsworth  - The  Uni-
            Florida,  B.S. Degree; teaches  Math                                 versity  of  Miami,  Valdosta  State
            I and  Math II.                 Mrs.  Sue  Franklin  - East  Carolina   College,  and  Arkansas  State  Uni-
                                              and  North  Carolina  Universities,   versity,  B.S.E.  Degree;  Teaches
          Mrs.  Frances  Slay  - Georgia  State   B.S.  Degree;  teaches  Advanced   driver's education.
            University,  B.S.  Degree;  teaches   General  Math,  Modern  and  Plane
            Advanced  Placement  and  Junior   Geometry.                       Mrs.  Edna  Keen  - Mather  School  of
            English.                                                             Nursing, R.N. Degree; nurse.
                                            Mr.  Peter  Fresneda  - The  University
          Mr.  Albert  Bouie  - Florida  A.&M.   of  Florida,  B.A.E.  Degree;  teaches   Mrs.  Blanche  Kirby  - The  University
            University,  B.S.  and  M.Ed.  De-  Spanish.                        of  Florida,  B.A.  Degree;  teaches
            grees;  teaches  American ism  vs.                                  reading.
            Communism and World History.    Mr.  Pace  Getzen  - Abraham  Baldwin
                                              College ,  Associa t e  Degree ;   Mrs.  Lois  Knudsen  - Bob  Jones  Uni-
          Mr.  Leland  Braddock  - Arkansas   teaches Diversified Mechanics.    versity  and  The  University  of  Flor-
            State  University,  B.S.  and  M.S.                                 ida,  B.A.E.  and  M.Ed.  Degrees ;
            Degrees ; teaches World History.   Mrs.  Rosemary  Halbrook  - Mars  Hill   teaches  communications,  science,
                                              College; teacher-aide.            and math.
          Mr.  James  Breen  - Salem  College
            and  West  Virginia  University,  B.S.   Mr.  Jack  Haltiwanger  - The  Univer-  Mrs.  Barbara  Lawrence  - The  Uni-
            and  M.A.  Degrees ;  teaches  Band   sity  of  Florida,  B.S.  Degree;   versity  of Tennessee  and  Peabody
            and General Music.                teaches Vocational Agriculture.   College,  B.S.  Degree;  teaches  li-
                                                                                brary science.
          Mrs.  Kathryn  Chasteen  - Lake  City   Mr.  Don  Hargrave - Lee  College, The
            Junior  College,  T.A.T.  Degree;   University  of  Basel,  and  Tennes-  Mr.  William  Lawton  - Lee  and  Wof-
            teacher-aide.                     see Wesleyan, B.A. Degree; teaches   ford  Colleges,  A.A.  and  A.B.  De-
                                              Americanism  vs.  Communism  and   grees ; teaches D.E.
          Miss  Esther  Cobb  - Edward  Waters   Sociology.
            College ,  B.S.  Degree ;  teacher-                               Mr.  Terry  Lurie  - The  University  of
            aide.                           Mrs .  Frances  Harkleroad  - East   Florida,  B.S.A.  Degree;  teaches
                                              Tennessee  State  University,  B.S.   vocational agriculture.
          Mrs.  Ramona  Crews  - Lake  City  Jun-  Degree; teaches English.
            ior  College,  T.A.T.  Degree ;  teacn-                           Mr.  Arthur  Marsland  - Miami-Dade
            er-aide.                        Mr.  Robert  Heaton  -The Citadel, and   Junior College and  Florida  Atlantic
                                              The  Universities  of  Virginia  and   University,  A.A. and  B.A.  Degrees;
          Mrs.  Anne  Dekle  - The  University  of   Colorado,  B.S.  Degree;  teaches   teaches  Americanism  vs .  Com-
            Florida,  B.A.E.  Degree;  teaches   Chemistry I and II.            munism and American History.
            English  Literature,  Composition ,
            Journalism, and Publications.   Mr.  Earl  Hill  - Pfeiffer  College,  The   Mr.  Donald  McDuffie  - Jacksonville
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