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State  University,  B.  S.  Degree;   Mrs.  Lydia  Overtone  - Grinnell  Col-  Mr.  John  Scott  - Florida  State  Uni-
        teaches  Algebra  I,  II  and  Shop   lege, Temple University,  Glassboro   versity,  B.S.  Degree;  teaches  Pro-
        Math.                              College,  and  Florida  State  Uni-  ject D.E.
                                           versity,  B.A.  Degree;  teaches  En-
       Mrs.  Judy  McElroy  - Columbia  High   glish.
        School, secretary.                                                 Mr.  Robert  Simmons  - Jacksonville
                                         Mr.  Harry  Parker  - The  University  of   State  University  and  Western
       Mrs.  Ola  Lee  Means  -Valdosta State   Tampa,  Auburn  University,  and   Carolina  University,  B.S.  Degree;
        College  and  The  University  of   The  University of  Florida,  B.S.  and   teaches physical education.
        Florida,  A.B.  and  M.Ed.  Degrees;   M.Ed.  Degrees;  teaches  physics,
        teaches  French  I,  II,  Ill,  IV,  and   physical  science,  and  Plane  Ge-
        Latin I,  II, and Sophomore English.   ometry.                     Mrs.  Marilyn  Smithy  - Valdosta  State
                                                                             College,  B .S.  Degree ;  teaches
       Mr.  Jim  Melton  - Florida  Southern,   Mrs.  Annie  Parnell  - Florida  A.&M.   Junior English.
        Virginia  Polytechnic  lnstitue,  and   University,  The  University of  Mich-
        The  University  of  South  Florida,   igan,  and   Drexel   Institute  of   Mrs.  Barbara  Snipes  - La  Grange
        A.B. Degree; teaches D.C.T.        Technology,  A.B.  and  M.Ed.  De-  Co l lege,  B.A.  Degree ;  teaches
                                           grees; teaches library science.   American History.
      Mr.  James  Montgomery  - Davidson
        College,  Jacksonville  University,   Mrs.  Donnie  Parnell  - Gibbs  Junior   Mr.  Robert  Stahl  - The  University  of
        and  Union  Theological  Seminary,   College,  Edward  Waters  College,   Florida ,  B.A .  Degree ;  teaches
        B.A.,  B.D.,  and  M.A.T.  Degrees;   and  Florida A. & M. University, B.S.   world history and psychology.
        teaches  American  History  and    and M.Ed.  Degrees; teaches Short-
        Economics.                        hand  I,  Typing  I,  and  Business
                                           Engl ish.                       Mr.  Edward  Trehern  - Mississippi
      Mr.  George  Moreshead  - Gordon                                       College ,  B .S.  Degree ;  teaches
        College  and  The  Universities  of   Mrs.  Mary  Phillips  - Livingston  State   business  math,  business  law,  re-
        Florida  and  Maine, B.A.  and  M.Ed.   College,  B.S.  Degree;  teaches  bi-  cord keeping , and Typing I.
        Degrees ;  teaches  algebra  and   ology.
        geometry.                                                          Miss  Judy Walker- Union  University,
                                                                             B.A .  Degree ;  teaches  speech ,
                                         Mrs.  Linda  Poplin  - Florida  State   drama, and English.
      Mr.  Harold  Morgan  - Slippery  Rock   University,  B.  Mus.  Ed.  Degree;
        State  College,  B.S .  Degree ;   teaches  Mixeg  Chorus,  Boys '
        teaches driver's education.       Chorus, and Girls' Chorus.       Mr.  Frank  Warriner  -  Mississippi
                                                                             College,  The  University  of  Miami,
                                                                             Lee  College,  Florida  Southern
      Mrs.  Adelene  Nelson  - Auburn  Uni-  Mr.  Glynn  Presley  - Bethune-Cook-
        versity, B.S. Degree; teaches home   man  College,  B.S. Degree; teaches   College,  The  University  of  Florida,
        economics and Domestic Math.      driver's education.               and  Adams  State,  Colorado,  B.S.
                                                                            and M.Ed.  Degrees; principal.
      Mrs.  Sharon  O'Brien  - The  University   Mr.  Paul  Quinn  - Jacksonville  State
        of  Florida,  B.S.  Degree;  teaches   University,  B.S.  Degree;  teaches   Mr.  Harold  Wilder  - Eastern  Ken-
        physical education  and health.   physical education.                tucky  University,  A.B.  Degree ;
                                                                             teaches Art I,  II , Ill, and IV.
      Mr.  Travis  O'Bryan  - Concord  Col -  Mrs.  Louise  Ring  - Radford  College
        lege,  Seattle  University,  The  Uni-  and  The  University  of  Florida,  B.S.   Miss  Gloria Williams- Valdosta State
        versity of Florida,  and West Virgin-  Degree; teaches home economics.   College,  B.S.  Degree ;  teaches
        ia  University,  B.S.A.  and  M.Ed.                                 Sophomore and Senior English.
        Degrees; teaches plant and animal   Mrs.  Sara  Rivers  - The  University  of
        science.                          North  Carolina  and  The  University   Mrs.  Elizabeth  Witt  - Columbia  High
                                          of  Florida,  B.A.  and  M.Ed.  De-  School ; secretary.
      Mrs.  Meriba  Ogden  - Florida  State   grees; guidance counselor.
        University  and  The  University  of                               Mr.  Hanson  Wright  - Bethune-Cook-
        Florida,  B.S.  and  M.Ed.  Degrees ;   Mr.  Richard  Romine  - Jacksonville   man  College  and  Florida  A.&M.
        teaches  Vocational  Office  Educa-  State  University ,  B.S.  Degree ;   University,  B.S. and  M.A.  Degrees ;
        tion.                             teaches biology:                  teaches English.
      Mr.  Robert  Oppermann  - The  Uni-  Mr.  Wiley  Russell  - Auburn  Universi-  Mrs.  Doris  Zedaker- East Tennessee
        versity  of  New  York  and  -he  Uni-  ty,  B.S .  and  M. Ed .  Degrees ;   State  University,  B.S.  Degree ;
        versity  of  Buffalo,  B.A.  and  M.Ed.   teaches  calculus ,  Senior  Math ,   teaches  bookkeeping  and  Typing
        Degrees; guidance counselor.      and Algebra II.                   1,11.

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