Page 222 - chs-1972
P. 222
Members of the Publications Staff
Pam Alderman-Editor of the Co-
lumbian; Tom Hagood-Editor of
the Tiger; Gretchen Bailey, Ann
Bedenbaugh, Lula Bradley, Brenda
Bray, Linda Briscoe, Patty Brown,
Jewell Bryant, Gwen Collins, Nora
Cox, Sharon Duncan, Bob Gerard,
Lucinda Giebeig, Kent Harriss, Lynn
Jackson, Priscilla Jenkins, Susie
Kuslohill, Sylvia Lashley, Margaret
Levings, Jan Markham, Mary Pat
Mclain, Debbie Mizell, Patty Mur-
phy, Philip Pettibone, Donna Regis-
ter, Jane Sibbernsen, Jean Spears,
Charles Tannachion, Linda Wil-
liams, Gayle Windham, Yvonne
Douglas, Bobbi O'Cain, Sue Hamp-
ton, Kim Perkins, Gale Mayar.
Sponsor-Mrs. Colvin Carter, and
anybody else who was crazy
enough to walk into room 9. Spe-
cial "crazies" are Cindy Hilty,
George Mabry, Gaetan de Moffarts,
Scott Echols and Sheryl Schmucker.