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1st Row:  Iris Floyd, Betty Lucas, Clinton Reed, Mrs. Means, Sponsor. 2nd Row: Debbie Stalnaker, Debbie Wooley, Dora Johnson, Dorothy
      Martin.  3rd  Row:  Dwight McRae,  Tammy Carter,  Peggy Phillips,  Diane  Ford.

                                                                                     Future  Teachers  of  America  .  .  .
                                                                                     Bringing  Brownies  for  the  teachers
                                                                                     ... Helping  during  American Edu-
                                                                                     cation Week ... Today is the foun-
                                                                                     dation  of  tomorrow  .  .  .  Teaching
                                                                                     careers  .  .  .  One  day,  maybe  ...

                                                                                     Officers,  First  Row:  Betty  Lucas,  Chaplain;
                                                                                     Tammy  Carter,  Treasurer;  Second  Row:
                                                                                     Dwight  McRae,  V.  President;  Diane  Ford,
                                                                                     President;  Peggy  Phillips,  Secretary.

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