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Sitting, First Row-Wanda Patterson, Tonia Tannachion, Cindy Shelton, Mary Lou Zahner, Phil Allen, Margie Jones, Karen Kinard, Bonnie
           Register,  Patti  Christie,  Debbie  Wiggins,  Mary Kay  Blackwell,  Sharon  Hall,  Martha  Register,  Becky  Townsend,  Arnette  Sova, Rhonda
           Moore.  Second Row-Piper McElhaney, Bonita Hill, Laura Pittman, Mary Ann Howell,  Sheree Shoch, Melinda Nesmith, Melinda Adams,
           Tina Powell,  Susie  Williams,  Mary Ann Skinner, Laura Ruth  Norris, Terri Williamson,  S~e Carter, Cindy Bowling, Glenda Crews, Judy
           Thompson, Jennifer Barnes, Tricia Stripling, Sharon Walker, Penny Bordi, Cathy Moody, Durrele Box, Ana Morera. Third Row-Sponsor,
           Mr.  James  Montgomery, Lou Ann Swisher, Robinette Weaver, Cindy Monds,  Sharry Clark,  Donna Markham, Cheryl Cole, Glenda Am-
           mons, President-Marzelle Tompkins, Sharon Knight, Pat Kuhl, Kim Luebke, Debra Hall, Diane Hatcher, Elaine Ferguson, Sherrie Morrell,
           Connie Tyre,  Kathy  Baker, Sherry  Butcher,  David  Creel, John  Nicely, Vicki  Braun, Kay  Register.  Fourth Row-Fran Tompkins,  Sharon
           Ratliff, Freda Morris,  Kathy  Collins,  Ursula  Goodbread, Cindy Busch, Joann Zedaker, Karen Heath, Angela  Goodbread,  Susan Jackson,
           Janis Moses, Martha Hackney, Carol Crews, Becky Witt, Cherrie Kicks, Sherry Moss,  Beth Bray. Fifth Row-Jodi Cramer, Sharon Nettles,
           Dede  Stewart, Michele  Montpetit, Bobbie Jones,  Thedis  Creel, Terry Perry,  Pat Morgan,  Karen Moore,  Susan Joyner,  Robin  Capell, Jodi
           Jones,  Beth  Rountree, Karen Attwood, Phillip Chesson, John Collins.  Sixth Row-Wendy Jarvis,  Bennie  Bennefield, Wendie Kuhn, Dottie
           Combs, Cindy Shoch,  Kim  Purser, Tammy Carter, Serena Flowers, Sharon Hyde, Donna  Kite,  Mary Helen Smith, Lynn Kirkland, Nancy
           Etheridge,  Ebbie Bond, Sally Anderson,  Darlene Woods. Back Row-Mike Johns, Debbie Sistrunk, Gary Russ, Dee  Burnette, Cruise Am-
           sden, Deb  Rose  Hunter, John Stevens, Tommy Tompkins, Debbie Odom,  James  Carmichal, Jimmy Blanton.

           American Field Service is mainly re-
           sponsible for providing a foreign ex-
           change  student  to  live  in  our  com-
           munity  .  .  .  "Cook  out"  at  Mr.
           Mont's  .. .  Santa  Claus  alias  Mike
           Johns at annual Christmas Party . . .
           Pat  Kuhl's  smiling  face  from  Brazil
           .  .  .  Calendar  Towel  Sale  as  fund
           raising project ... Kim Luebke as a
           true AFS sister ... Student-teacher
           rivalry  is  shown  at  the  annual  fac-
           ulty-student  basketball  game  ...
           Susan Joyner  is  accepted in the for-
           eign exchange student program .  .  .
           The goal is $800 to bring next year's
           foreign  exchange  student  .  .  .  The
           suspense of not knowing which fam-
           ily it will be next year .  .  . The final
           cookout before July and Pat's depar-
           ture  ... Promoting  good  relations
           between  countries  ... Marzelle
           Tompkins-President          Sharon
           Knight-Vice-President  .  .  .  Kim
           Luebke-Secretary  .  .  .  Carl  Cum-
           mings-Treasurer  . .. Mr.  James
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