Page 190 - chs-1974
P. 190
If you enjoy reading, what better
way to explore your interest than to
get in the Library Club. It not only
teaches the fundamentals of oper-
ating a library, but enables you to
further intelligence through lead-
ership. The meetings are sixth pe-
riod on Club Days. Mrs. Lawrence is
the sponsor. Learning how to oper-
ate and repair projectors and video
machines is the main activity of this
club. Wheeling films and projectors
to all the classes when needed is an-
other function of projectionists. Pro-
jectionists are always in demand.
Mrs. Parnell is the sponsor of the
projectionists. Kneeling I. to r.-Clayton Johnson, Kenneth Harrington Standing I. to r.-Curtis Warren, Norris
Simmons, Steve Wetherington, Daniel Underwood, Mike Lester, James White, James Taylor, David
Creel, Mike Huggins, Jeff Bertram.
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Bottom Row 1. to r.-Reba Williams, Judy Roberts, Jim McDonald, Michael Kilgore, Omega Lashley, Cathy Murphy, Wesley Roberts, Don-
ald MacLaren, Doug Strepay, Bill Taylor, Renee Remy, Michaelyn Strepay, Joe Whetstone, 2nd Row Tommy Hollingworth, Rosemary Oli-
ver, Teri Pinkham, Faith Ann Griffith, Deloise Flemming, Angela Blocker, Debbie Stanley, Carolyn Martin, Terri Wayne, Martha Manucy,
John Buchanon, Jon Reville, Merv Callahan.
186 Clubs