Page 191 - chs-1974
P. 191
Drama Club lets you further hidden
talent and enjoy it by putting on
plays for the school and community.
The Pantomine Troupe is an added
aspect to the club. Painting your
face and silent acting is the prin-
ciple of the pantomine. The officers
are: President, David Creel; Vice
President, Angela Goodbread; Ser-
gea nt at Arms, Brenda Hickman;
Secretary, Beth Bray; Treasurer, Teri
Austin. Working toward the Debat-
ing Contest, is all part of the excite-
ment. Miss Bookman is th e sponsor
of the Drama Club.
I. to r. Front Row Robin Seabrandt, Rebecca Davis, Terri McClure, Doris Williams, Karen Moore, Sally Anderson, Marcia Warren. Pam
Patterson, April Smith, Second Row Rosalind Hall, Barbara Tannenbaum, Pam Wall, Kathy Clark, Michelle Joyner, Susan Hosford, Me-
linda Nes Smith, Donna Rich, Michelle Fisher, Susan Epperson. Melissa Hall. Wendie Kuhn, Third Row Al Greene, Laverne Williams,
Winola Ferguson, Kim Anschultz, Kin Ellis, Donna Underwood, Cindy Bowling, John Collins, Lelyn Gansel, Willie Woods, Deborah Staf-
ford, Fourth Row Sean Carson, Rick Briscoe, Cathy Lykes, Susan McCoy, Cherry Dicks, Patty Canady, Melissa Pafford. Susie Rountree,
Cynthia Anderson, Vickie Reed, Valerie Williams, Vanessa Yates, Cecilia Register