Page 219 - chs-1974
P. 219

FCA;  Christians  In  Action

                                                                   FCA stands for Fellowship of Chris-
                                                                   tian  Athletes.  The  purpose  of  the
                                                                   club  is  exactly what it's  name  says.
                                                                   Its  purpose  is  to  promote  Christian
                                                                   fellowship among the athletes at Co-
                                                                   lumbia High School. FCA is very ac-
                                                                   tive  in  helping  to  improve  the  sce-
                                                                   nery on CHS campus. Club meetings
                                                                   are  in  the  morning  before  school  at
                                                                   7:30.  The  officers  are  David Rogers,
                                                                   Kin Ellis,  Marty Hudson, Larry Car-
                                                                   roll.  Mr.  Grubb  and  Coach  Justice
                                                                   are  the  sponsors  of  FCA.  FCA  is  a
                                                                   very  helpful  and  beneficial  organi-
                                                                   zation  and  is  an  asset  to  Columbia
                                                                   High  School.

         First  Row:  David  Rogers,  Marty Hudson, Kin  Ellis,  Larry  Carroll.  2nd  Row:  Dennis  Crawford,  PeeWee Keen,  Ronnie  Kelly,  Tim Carson,
         Mark Giebeig.  3rd Row:  Tommy Owens, Buddy Dopier,  Glenn Owens, Andy Jarrard, Kent Gardner, Peter Delgado. 4th Row:  Joe Butcher,
         Gary  Williams,  Mr.  Tom  Grubb.
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