Page 220 - chs-1974
P. 220
BETA Values
High Standards
The Beta Club is a service organiza-
tion. To qualify for membership in
the club, students must maintain an
overall 3.3 average in their class
work. Beta Club sponsors the annual
events of the Powder Puff football
game and Sadie Hawkins Day. The
Miss C.H.S. Pageant is a major
project of the Beta Club. This is a
very honorable organization. The
officers are Kurt Klinepeter, presi-
dent; Mark Duncan, vice-president;
Melinda NesSmith, secretary; Dawn
Steele, treasurer. Miss Gause is the
Bottom row, I. to r. Leah Burnette, Becky Hudson, Bobbie Jones, Wanda Patterson, Cindy Jones, Cherrie Dicks, Sherry Moss, Annette
Owens, Priscilla Anderson, Durelle Box. Middle row, I. to r. Teresa Tunsil, Cissy Witt, Terri Austin, Deb Rose Hunter, Yolis Beneneld,
Nancy Green, Tina Reese, Beverly Waters, Pam Boone, Teresa Carver, Sally Anderson, Diane Hutchingson, Steven Steele. Top row, I. tor.
John Cummings, Wanda Burgess, Joanne Boggs, Bo Braun, Michelle Montpetit, Karen Wise, Kay Hines, Anita Weaver, Sandra Oaks, Rick
Briscoe, Jeff Godwin, Cheryl Hodges, Jerry Jones, Terry Cullison, Roy Reed, Wendie Kuhn, Mrs. Gause, sponsor.