Page 66 - chs-1974
P. 66
Tricia Marie Duce Sharon Godbold Helen Harriss
Art Club 2,3,4. Spanish Club; OCT. Epsilon Phi Server; Tri-Hi-Y 2, President 1;
Student Council1,2 President 4; Epsilon Phi 4;
Mark Lynn Duncan Jeffrey Stuart Godwin Drama Club 1,2,3; AFS 2,3; Pep Club 1,2,3; An-
President of Senior Class 4; President of FBLA Wrestling Team 2,3,4; Pep Club 2; Spanish; nual Staff 4; Tiger Staff 4; Powderpuff 2,3;
4; Beta Club 2,3,4; Boy's State; National Honor Student Council 3; Beta. Field Day 1,2,4; Prom Comm; Art Club 2,3;
1. Gov't Day.
Alphonso Lorenzo Greene
Calvin McKinnon Ellis Band 2; FTA 3; Pep Club: AFS; Spanish Club; Diane Betty Hatcher
Football 2,3,4; Wrestling 2,3,4; Golf 3,4; Key Key Club 4; Tiger Staff 4; Annual Staff 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2; AFS 3; Pep Club 3; OCT 4.
Club 2; FCA 4; Band 2; Choral Club; Drama Science Club 3; FBLA 3; Drama Club; Prom
Club 4. Committee; Homecoming Skit 2. Sandra Mary Helms
OCT; Pep Club.
Valerie Lisa Esing Andrew James Greene
Art Club; Spanish Club-President. DCT; Art Club. Vic Herndon
Douglas LeCroy Estes Albert Solomon Griffin Phyllis Sue Hicks
Marching and Concert Band 3,4.
DECA; Tri-Hi-Y; Pep Club.
Deborah Sue Griffin
Tina Feagle Drama Club 2; Pep Club 2,3; DECA; Intra- Bonita Carol Hill
murals 3.
Spanish Club 3,4; Reporting Secretary 4; AFS
Maxine Evelyn Fennell 3,4; AFS 3.
Herman Wade Griffin
Winola Winifree Ferguson Key Club 3; Key Club, Secretary 4; Spanish Eva Diane Hill
Science Club 2; Pep Club; FBLA 2; Choral Club 3.
Club 1; Student Council; FHA; Drama Club;
Advisory Council. Michael Wayne Hill
Johnny Earl Griffin
James Eden Fike Randal Bryan Hill
Tennis Team; Key Club. Jonathan Griffin B-Team Football 2.
Iris Ann Floyd Kerry Alan Hagler Charlene Hines
Varsity Football 3; FCA 3; Key Club 3,4; Tri-
FTA 3; AFS 4; FBLA 4; FHA 3; Photography Prom Server 2; Spanish Club 3; FBLA 4; Miss
Club. Hi-Y Mascot 4. CHS Usher 3.
Louise Fluellen Melissa Darlene Hall Cheryl Anne Hodges
Radio Club, Sec; Miss C.H.S. finalist; En- Beta Club; DAR History Award.
semble 2,3,4; Drama Club 4; Band 2,3.
Alton Bruce Ford
Key Club 3; B and A Team Football; Baseball Sandra Lorrene Holland
2,3,4. Rosalind Leisa Hall FBLA.
Transfer 1; AFS 4; President; Pep Club 3;
Mildred Kay Ford Drama Club 4; Powderpuff Football 3,4; Stu- Scott Eldon Hollingsworth
Intramurals; FHA. dent Council 4; Tiger Editor 4; Debate. Spanish Club 2; FBLA 3; Key Club.
Philip Randall Free Sharon Kay Hall Troy Maurice Hollingsworth
Tri-Hi-Y 2,4; Art Club 3; AFS 3; OCT 4; Histo-
rian OCT.
Jose Mexia Fulger Lorenzo Hopkins
Basketball; Art Club.
George Royal Handley Horton Camon Taft
DECA; National Honor 3; Band 2.
Virginia Lynn Futch
Deborah Elaine Howard
Burl Dickson Harkey
Linda Gay Getchell Chorus 3; CBE 4.
Band 3,4; CBE 4; FBLA 4. Football 3; Track 3; FCA 2; Baseball 1; Wres-
tling 1; Student Council.
Sarah Dune Huchingson
Beta Club.
Mark Edward Giebeig Helen Eugenia Harris
Key Club 2,3,4; FCA 3; B Team-Football; Var- Science; Math; Pep; Intramurals. ,I
sity Football 3. Michael David Huggins
Football 2,3,4; Baseball 2; FCA 2; Powderpuff
Mary Evelyn Harris Cheerleader 3,4; Track.
Carol Marion Glenn Library Club 3,4; Art Club 4; FHA 4; Pep Club
DECA 2,3; Treasurer of DECA Club 3. 2,3. Alfred Hale Hughes
62 Senior Directory