Page 103 - chs-1975
P. 103

Stand  Outs on  Senior Placement  Test

                                                                                       The  statewide  Twelfth  Grade  Testing  pro-
                                                                                      gram is conducted in all Florida high schools
                                                                                      each fall  to  provide  comparable  ability  and
                                                                                      achievement data on all  seniors.

                                                                                      Columbia High School had 14 students to  suc-
                                                                                      ceed in reachin.q the top 10% qfthe state with
                                                                                      scores  of 430  and  above.  These  se11iors  are:
                                                                                      Teri  Austin,  J enn1jer  Barnes,  Yolis  Ben-
                                                                                      efield,  B eau  Brau.n,  John  Eucha non,  Lea.h
                                                                                      Bur11ette,  Terry  Cllllison,  Mike  Gra11ger,
                                                                                      John  Jopli11g,  Gayle  Parker,  Wayne  Petty,
                                                                                      Dale  Vasco,  Dale  Waldron,  and  Joe  Whets-
                                                                                      tone  pictured bottom  left.

                                                                                      More  CHS sttLdents  e::ccelled  in  ra.11ki11g  380
                                                                                      or  better  a11d  gained  top  20%  i11  the  state.
                                                                                      These  students  are  above:  Robert  Bessinger,
                                                                                      K enneth Blackwell, Shelia Bouscher, Rebecca
                                                                                      Davis,  Mike  Dennard,  Cherie  Dicks,  Jea11
                                                                                      Fraser,  Lelyn  Ga11sel,  Bill  Gem mer,  Becky
                                                                                      Hudson,  Bobbie  Jon es,  Karl  Knmc/e:::,  Robi11
                                                                                      Milton, Michele Darby, Donna Morrison, Mi-
                                                                                      chael  Murphy,  Gleen  Owens,  Darryl  Rich -
                                                                                      ards,  Calvi11  Smith,  Benjamin  S11ow,  A11ita
                                                                                       Weaver,  Catherine  Widdo11,  aud  George

        Oz•erall  top s•·ot  ·. Beau  Bt·attll                                                        Se11ior  Placeme111   .'J!I
   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108