Page 146 - chs-1975
P. 146
Charged- Up Felines Ignite Tiger Spirit
"Picture this: Ten exhilarated and
carefree girls spring onto the playing
field and fall into synchronized rou-
tines while holding effortless smiles
for two or more hours. This is the
misconception many people carry 1·e-
garding cheerleaders. Not many re-
alize the hard work cheerleading
Two weeks of practice open the nerve-
wracking try-outs in spring, hope-
fully producing ten dedicated and
"charged-up" females . For the years
1974-75, Columbia High met Terran
Carswell, Tracie Cooper, Patti
Hanna, Karen Kinard, Linda
McElhaney, Lucinda Mickler, Peggy
Morgan, Gayle Parker, Tina Powell,
and Susie Williams as their Varsity
cheerleading squad.
Grueling practices begin immedi-
ately. Throughout the summer
months, for as long as three hours a
day, three and sometimes four days a
week, the squad strives for perfection
so they may compete proudly with 50
critical squads at a cheerleading
camp, in late July. Upon arrival into
Lake City, the following week, prepa-
rations begin to ignite already un-
quenchable 'Tiger Spirit' for the com-
ing school year. The endless process of
planning pep rallies, painting signs,
creating name tags, practicing for-
mats, organizing cheer clinics, deco-
rating for the 'Tiger Banquet' and
journeying 60 miles sometimes twice
a week to cheer at almost faceless
bleachers, end ten months later. The
hopefully, continuing cycle com-
mences again for another year.
Eight seniors will say 'Good-Bye' to Top row, left to right: Susie Williams, Karen Kinard, Peggy Morgan, Linda McElhaney. Center;
Lucinda Mickler, Tracie Cooper, Terran Carswell, Patti Hanna. Bottom; Gayle Parker, Co-Cap-
cheerleading this year, while two ju- tain; and Tina Powell, Captain.
niors remain to carry on the tradi-
tion. To love an entire school and
what it stands for may appear hard
to believe for many, but the feelings
are sincere. We are the Columbia
High School Varsity Cheerleaders,
and proud of it!"
-A 1974-75 "Rah-Rah Gal".
11 Karen urges the crowd to clap their hands!
2/Captain Tina belts out a chant at a spirited
Tiger pep rally. 31 Dancing to "The Horse"
never takes much effort! 41 Patti Hanna
shines in her first Homecoming parade . .51 Lu-
cinda discusses what's happening on the fielrl.
6/Terran displays her cheering 'Jorm" in a
dance routine. 7/Co-Captain, Gayle stands
tall for "Tiger Pride".