Page 149 - chs-1975
P. 149

J. V.  Experiences  On-The-Job  Training

                                                                               A  Junior  Varsity  cheerleader  lives
                                                                               through  many  ups  and  downs  in
                                                                               their  Sophomore  year.  Somehow,  a
                                                                               happy  blend  of tears,  gripes,  smiles,
                                                                               work,  and tolerance grows into a /ttl-
                                                                               filling  and  educational  experience.
                                                                               So  has it been  with  the  1974-'75  Ju-
                                                                               nior Varsity squad.

                                                                               This  summer,  our J. V.  squad fared
                                                                               well at cheering camp, placing "Hon-
                                                                               orable  Mention"  over  30  competing
                                                                               cheering  units  in  the  "squad  note-
                                                                               book"  section.  This  year's  "Tiger
                                                                               Cub" gals  strived for a newer  '7ook"
                                                                               by  making  stylish  uniforms  and
                                                                               creating the ma)ority of their cheers.

                                                                               l!Top row,  left to right; Pennie Hudson,  Pam
                                                                               Dtew,  Laura Bethea,  Tona  Canwell;  bottom
                                                                               row; Suzanna Simmons, Co-Captain; Beth Ki-
                                                                               nard,  Theresa  Bass,  and  Ken-i  Koon,  Cap-
                                                                               tain. 21 A  tense moment is displayed  by  Pam.
                                                                               31 "This is for the  birds!" says La~tm Bethea,
                                                                               in  het  Homecoming  garb.  1,./ Pep  rallies  are
                                                                               conscimts-provoking  experiences  jo?- J. V.
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