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               Halftime  activities  would  not  be
               complete  without  the  step  of the
               CHS  Gold  Dusters  and  the  Tiger
               Doll.  Rehearsing daily along with
                the  band,  this  unsung group  per-
               forms numerous routines.  The  Ti-
               ger Band Gold  Dusters are Patri-
               cia  Barrington,  Louise  Baskette,
               Rhonda  Carter,  Kathy  Cum-
               mings,  Brenda  Douberly,  Carol
                Dunn,  Faith  Griffith,  Linda
               Glowacki,  Michelle  Reed,  Flo  Ann
                Tyre,  Kathy  Walker,  and Jessica
                Williams.  The  Tiger  Doll  is  Ka-
               ren Thomas.  Another phase  of the
               music program at Columbia High
               School  is  the  Stage  Band.  Per-
               forming  at  various  places  in  the
               community,  the  Stage  Band must
               practice  hard each  day  to  remain
               their best.  This part of the band is
               more modernized using an electric
               piano, electric guitars, and drums
               in  addition  to  the  other  in-
                struments.  The  Stage Band led by
               Mr. Mark McHenry is composed of
               Jody  Alderman,  Al Bradley,  Su-
                san  Capell,  Roderick  Carter,  Te-
               resa  Carver,  David  Chaney,  Bob
                Coxe,  Robert  Dace,  Tony  How-
               erton,  Jay  Huddleston,  Ronald
               Jones,  Brett  Leary,  Mark
               McHenry,  Robert  Nicholson,
               Sandra  Oaks,  Danny  Ominski,
               Keith Osteen,  Guy Snead and Su-
                san Zimmerman.

               liThe Gold Dusters are a nice  addition to
               the mid-game festivities. 21 As captain and
               co-captain  of  the  Gold  Dusters,  Faith
               Griffith  and  Susan  McKee  must  go  over
               and over all the routines the public sees at
               halftime. 3! An impressive  show is always
               given  by  Tiger Doll  Karen  Thomas in her
               second  year  as  majorette.  41 Could  the
               Band be  playing  "The  Horse?"  5/The  Co-
               lumbia High School Stage Band pauses for
               a breath before  plunging into  another dy-
               namite arrangement.
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