Page 184 - chs-1975
P. 184
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The CHS Ensemble is a performing
choral group under the direction of
Mrs. Sue Beazley. First period is the
time when religious and secular
songs are learned as well as a few
tips on stage poise. The CHS song-
birds have sung at several places this
year. Madison High School, The
Newcomers Club, the local Florida
Highway Patrol and the Columbia
High student body are a few groups
that have enjoyed their music. The
members of the Ensernble are Patri-
cia Barrington, Beth Bray, Teresa
Carver, Susan Epperson, Jay Fra-
ser, Clayton Johnson, Linda Kim-
mick, James McKee, Wayne Nutter,
Bernard Olds, Annette Owens, Ce-
cilia Register, Renee Remy, Debbie
Stafford, Vanessa Yates, Randy
Adams, Hal Arnold, Kar en
Boatright, Barry Henry, Daryyl
Tomlinson, Nola Hines, and Patricia
1 I Mrs. Beazley leads her group in song. 21 En-
semble soothes the savage beast with their har-
monious 1m~sic . 3/ Rehearsing for one of their
many pe1formances during the Christmas
season, the CHS Ensemble mrely misses a
180 Ensemble