Page 201 - chs-1975
P. 201
The purpose of D.E. I and II is to pro-
mote understanding and advance-
ment of Distributive Ecucation stu-
dents in the business world of
marketing and services. Helping his
students along is Mr. Frank Albury,
adviser of D.E. II, members Anita
Alford, Danny Brown, Gene Carter,
Janice Carter, Quintin Carter,
Anna Christie, Rusty Depratter,
Nathaniel Gibson, Andy Greek, Billy
Johnson, David Lumbert, Sue Nor-
ris, Eugene Pharis, Linda Powell,
Ronnie Roberts, Rosa Royals, Walter
Sherrod, Sharon Spence, Delano
Spradley, Karen Tanner, Randy
Taylor, and Marvin Wheeler.
1 I Being active in the classroom is as impor-
tant as excelll:ng in your O!itside job as Chuyl
Johnson proves. 21 M1·. Feldman takes his D.E.
I class for an early morning otiting. 3/ Teach-
ing the techniques of salesmanship, Mr. Al-
bury prepares his students for tomnwrow. 41
Mr. Albury's class denwnstmtes the
room phase of the two part Distributive Edti-
cation course. 5/The D.E. II class is well
Distribtitive Edtication II 197