Page 206 - chs-1975
P. 206
The Columbia High School Art
Club gained national recognition
when member Chet Hill displayed
some drawings in Washington,
D.C. and on tour. The club also
sends some of it's work to the Flor-
ida State Art Fair, Columbia
County Fair and hopes to set up a
booth at the Cedar Key Art Festi-
val. The Art Club is very active at
Homecoming. This year a car was
placed in the parade, a car smash
was held and a new idea was in-
troduced in the form of a voodoo
doll. Under the leadership of ad-
viser Mrs. Candace Bielling, the
club's purpose is to initiate an ap-
preciation of art and an under-
standing of creativity. Sketching
trips, art scholarships, and field
trips to art museums and shows
round out their curriculum.
li"Out on a ledge" for Art Club are it's of-
ficers Chet Hill, Ken Rentz, Treasurer
Ken Blackwell, Secretary Rani Davis, Vice
President Goody Summers, and President
Ray Williams. 21 Tommy Burris takes his
frustrations out on the car used for the Art
Club car smash during Homecoming week.
3/Today's hobby in art could mean tomor-
row's job for members Laurie Aiken, Cyn-
thia Anderson, Kelly Bailey, Tony Berry,
Becky Blewett, Felicia Cason, Patti Darby,
Susan Epperson, Doug Fraser, Jay Fra-
ser, Carol Giebeig, Cindy Green, Sandra
Griffis, Kim Guffy, Annette Hall, Lynn
Harden, Earl Harvey, Kay Hill, Shirley
Jackson, Susan Johnson, Karen Kinard,
David McGlammery, Donna Morrison, Ly-
nell Murry, Freddie Muskewitz, Carla
Savage, Beth Splichal, Darlene Spurling,
Lisa Summers, Barbara Tannenbaum,
Dale Waldron, Sharon Walker, Cindy
Wallace, Terry Wayne and George
202 Art Club