Page 211 - chs-1975
P. 211
"Tiger" and "Splitrails" Staff
Priscilla Anderson, Katrina Baisden, Yolis Benefield,.
Beth Bray, Billy Caley, Patty Canaday, Lyn Carswell, Ter-
ran Carswell, Tammy Carter, Delan Cason, Dottie Combs,
Cherie Dicks, Bill Gemmer, Carol Giebeig, Clara Hair,
Becky Hudson, Susan Johnson, Bessie Kelsey, Karen Ki-
nard, Denise Lee, Linda McElhaney, Terri McClure, Ka-
ren Pettibone, Tina Powell, Kim Purser, Tina Reese, Gina
Register, Cecilia Register, Cindy Schoch, and Susie
"Columbian '75" Staff
Editors- Cherie Dicks, Tina Powell, Copy Editor- Yolis
Benefield, Layout Editor-Delan Cason, Academics-Pris-
cilla Anderson, Jennifer Barnes, Cecilia Register, Fea-
tures-Kim Purser, Cindy Schoch, Lisa Summers, Sports-
Katrina Baisden, Billy Caley, Tracie Cooper, Terri
McClure, Organizations-Beth Bray, Denise Lee, Gina
Register, Seniors-Patty Canaday, Lyn Carswell, Tammy
Carter, Carol Giebeig, Juniors-Bessie Kelsey, Karen Petti-
bone, Tina Reese, Sophomores-Terran Carswell, Clara
Hair, Senior Directory-Dottie Combs, Linda McElhaney,
St~.sie Williams, Business- Becky Hudson, Karen Kinard.
11 Columbian editors Tina Powell and Cherie Dicks check
01J'er the first "proofs" to come backf?-om Paragon. 21 Hands
are an active part of Publications. 31 Fresh jTom the Wa-
tertown press, "The Tiger" is sent down the assembly line
to be stapled by editors Priscilla Anderson and Beth Bray.
41 Whether she be Mrs. Calvin Crater or Mrs. Colvin Car-
ter she's still the "boss" of her adorable and loveable Pub! 51
"Making Tracks" are the 1974-75 third and fifth period
Publications classes. 61 "The Sports Staff' keeps 1~p on Ti-
ger baseball, football, basketball, tennis, track, and wres-
tling activities throughout the year.