Page 251 - chs-1975
P. 251

Saphorrwre  Memories:  Past Recollections

                           Joe  Adams

                                                                                     It's fun to look  back and see the days
                                                                                     of grade  school  and junior high,  but
                                                                                     as  sophomores  a  whole  new  world
                                                                                     opens up. The  excitement of the first
                                                                                     day  of high  school  is like  none  ever
                                                                                     felt  before.  The  first  problem  of the
                                                                                     sophomore  year  is  learning  how  to
                                                                                     act  in front  of juniors  and  seniors
                                                                                     and  then  learning  to  be  yourself.
                                                                                     Hoping  everything  goes  right,  the
                                                                                     novice group is always the underdog.
                                                                                      Thoughts  of the  next year when  an-
                                                                                     other class will step into C.H.S.  as a
                                                                                     new and inexperienced class reminds
                                                                                     us that we will take a step up the lad-
                                                                                     der  and  they will gain our position.
                                                                                     Selling  Mums,  the  unity  of home-
                                                                                     comt:ng  and your own junior va'r;;ity
                                                                                     add up to a great time! Bringing ev-
                                                                                     erything together  you  will .find that
                                                                                     your sophomore  year is one  of grow-
                                                                                     ing, maturing and becoming an indi-
                                                                                     vidual. Sophomore  Qass 1974-75.

                                                                       Muscle  man Pat  Oosterhoudt displays his  strength.

                                                                       Row  1,  Doug  Adel,  Laurie Aiken,  Eric  Akins, Pat Albritton

                                                                       Row 2,  Jody Alderman,  Delbert  Alexander,  Robin  Alexande1·,
                                                                        Roy Alexander

                                                                       Row 3, Eldornia Allen, Wesley Allen, Davis Allinde1·,  Randy Alsup

                                                                       Rmv 4, Harry And1·ews, Debbie Arnold, Packy Arnold, Pa~tl Arnold

                                                                       Rmv 5,  Veronica Ausgood,  Laurie Avery,  SherTy BaileT,  Wanda

                                                                       Row  6,  Jim Ball,  Louise  Baskette,  Mike  Bass,  Teresa Bass

                                                                       Row  7,  Nathan Beasly,  Alan  Bedenbaugh,  Kathy  Beggs,  Randy

                                                                       Row 8,  Sandra Benton,  Mike BeTgman, Tony Berry,  Latwa Bethea
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