Page 252 - chs-1975
P. 252

Leadership is ShCYWn  by  Officers

             Sophomore  officers  were  elected  only
             after a heated battle and several run-
             offs.  Many students enjoyed  hearing
             the  inspiring speeches  by  class office
             nominees.  The  final  results  are  as
             follows: Michelle  Walker, Liason offi-
             cer,  Lisa  Strickland,  Treasurer,                                         \  .
             Genia  Minor,  Secretary,  Theresa                                              •  ll ' -~
             Bass,  Vice-President,  and  Janet
             Summers,  President.

                   Janice Bishop
                   Brian Blackmore
                   Bonnie  Blackwell
                   Mart  in Boone
                   Dean Boston
                   Kelly Bouscher

                   Cheri Boutwell
                   Craig  Bowen
                   Laurie Bozzuto
                   Andy Brabson
                   Ralph Bradley
                   Teresa  Bradley

                   Lee  Brinkley
                   Jimmy Briscoe
                   Lisa Broshar
                   Brenda Brown
                   Connie  Brown
                   Geraldine  Brown

               248  Sophomores
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